Car Confessions [Merlin/Arthur]

Sep 27, 2017 17:13

Title: Car Confessions
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur
Summary: Arthur flirts with Merlin.
Word Count: 1200
Author's Notes: Unbetaed. Part 6 of the "Secret Admirer?" story. I initially wrote this scene last week, not sure of how big the WLM was going to be. It was pleasantly surprising to get 1200 words - and so I expanded the scene quite a bit. We get a lot of Arthur's thoughts, and I hope you like them.

Arthur shifted in the car, trying to settle in. "So how do you know where I live? I haven't given you any directions."

Merlin drove with ease and clearly knew where he was going. Sure, Arthur had told Gwen that it'd be easier to go in the car with Merlin than take a taxi because he didn't want to bother with directions, but he was surprised he'd not even given Merlin his address.

Merlin shrugged. "I went over to Morgana's flat quite a lot before you shifted in. When you were still in Graduate School. I actually helped move her furniture out, as well. Not that it helped much. I can't carry things like Percy or Gwaine."

That gave Arthur pause. How intimate was Merlin with all of Arthur's friends, and how much effort had he put in to stay out of Arthur's radar? "Oh, I didn't realise you were so close to my sister."

Merlin chuckled lightly, and Arthur couldn't take his eyes off Merlin's neck, the way his Adam's apple bobbed, and the way he gulped, as if he were nervous. Was he doing that to Merlin?

"Well, close, I'm not sure. No one can actually get close to Morgana. That's why I was surprised she was leaving her flat behind to go and live with her boyfriend. I mean…that's a bold move."

"Right…" Arthur said, turning his head to look out the window. He'd almost shifted in with Owen. If he'd find the right buyer for his flat, he might have already been living with him before finding out what an arse Owen really was. He'd really dodged that bullet.

"God, this heating dial is really shit…" Merlin said again, and again, his fingers brushed against Arthur's knee. "Sorry again. I hate this small car-"

"It's okay, Merlin. Why are you so tense?" Arthur asked turning towards Merlin and placing his hand on Merlin's knee. Merlin immediately stiffened up.

Arthur heard the amusement in his own voice when he said, "Ah, I suppose I should be the one apologising this time. Didn't mean to make you-"

"No, it's fine. Really. Fine," Merlin replied, still stiff.

Feeling bad for how he was treating Merlin, Arthur said, "Sorry if I freaked you out."

"You didn't freak me out," replied Merlin. "Please, by all means, put your hand on my thig-knee. If it makes you feel better."

Arthur heard the delight in Merlin's voice and laughed. His hand returned on Merlin's knee, and Merlin didn't move. He didn't react at all. He continued driving as if nothing had just happened, and made a turn. Part of Arthur wanted to push on.

Merlin's fingers brushed against Arthur's arm when he reached down to change the gear, and Arthur pulled his hand away. When they were driving steadily again, Arthur placed his hand back on Merlin's knee. He liked the feel of the fabric of Merlin's jeans, or, at least that's what he was telling himself.

Could he continue this further? Could I really do this? Would this be considered flirting? A moment later, Arthur's hand slid up Merlin's leg. Now, he was definitely flirting.

"What are you doing?" Merlin asked in an amused voice. He gave a shy little smile but didn't look at Arthur.

"Testing my boundaries," replied Arthur. He squeezed gently.

"I can see that. Or well, feel it. Can you…stop?"

"You want me to stop?"

Merlin took in a deep breath and shook his head. "We're almost to your flat," he said in a dry tone.

Arthur couldn't help but think that Merlin's words were betraying his actions.

"Do you want to come in?" Arthur asked with genuine interest, hoping Merlin would say yes.

Okay, so it was obvious to him now that the red flags were going up everywhere. Arthur was ignoring everyone's advice. Percy told Arthur to stay away unless he was serious about Merlin, because he didn't want Arthur to toy with Merlin's feelings. Gwen had told him to consider remaining single-for whatever reason. And here he was: his hand on Merlin's thigh, two centimetres away from Merlin's cock. He wanted to brush the back of his fingers against the front of Merlin's jeans. He wanted to pull the zipper down and-

"I shouldn't. I can't," Merlin said. His response yanked Arthur out of his thoughts. Merlin pulled into a parking spot right in front of the building and finally turned to look at Arthur. His expressive eyes betraying him again.

Arthur pushed on. "Can't? Or shouldn't?"


"What if I ask really nicely?" Arthur bit his lower lip. What was it about Merlin bringing out the fun side of him again? Arthur hadn't flirted so shamelessly with someone in a very long time. He'd been monogamous when he was with Owen so he didn't need to do any such thing and even before Owen, there wasn't anyone that challenged Arthur. There was just something about this man. Merlin. And Arthur wanted to find out.

"What… are you fucking with me?" Merlin asked, looking very serious all of a sudden. Arthur almost panicked. The last thing he wanted was to push Merlin away. "What about how you wanted to be friends?"

Arthur shrugged, and spoke with a light tone. "It's just harmless flirting. Friends do that."

"Ah. Right. Get out."

"No, wait…" Arthur reached over and placed his hand on Merlin's shoulder. For someone who claimed to not want Arthur's attention in so many words, certainly didn't have a problem with Arthur continuing to touch him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to fuck this up, I swear." Even though Arthur totally felt like he was fucking this up. "I like you and I want to get to know you." Merlin looked like he didn't believe him. "I mean, you can come in, and we won't do anything more than just talk if that's what you want. I can make us a drink-"

"I'm driving."

"It's Friday night and unless you have a really hot date you didn't tell me about, you can come over and have a bloody drink, Merlin. And stay a while."

"Damn, you're bossy," Merlin said.

Arthur threw his head back and laughed. "I'm usually not."

"Is that so?" Merlin raised an eyebrow, looking like he was ready to challenge Arthur.

"Do you want me to be?" Arthur asked, his voice low, unsure of why he was beginning to flirt again. He hated how his mind was on repeat. There was just something about Merlin. All Arthur wanted was for Merlin to come over. Heck, he wanted to pull on Merlin's arm and drag him out of his driver's seat and sit in Arthur's lap. His car was small enough that the task would be easy to execute. His fingers twitched again, and he brushed his fingers against the back of Merlin's neck. He turned his body and rested his other hand on Merlin's knee. He was starting to like how small Merlin's car was, and how they could be so close, so easily. "I could be bossy."

"Shit, Arthur. You can't say things like that…"

"What if I simply said that I'd like to kiss you?"

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

story: ma-secret admirer, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: pg-13, community: camelot_drabble

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