The Professor, Part 17

Sep 27, 2017 16:49

Title: The Professor, Part 17
Character(s): Neville, Theo, Charlie
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): 8th year. EWE.
Challenge(s): Prompt 365: All Year Around for
neville100, and Prompt 19: Trepidation for mixandmatch100
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Unbetaed. Continuation of the Professor series.

"He's right," Neville said softly. He knew he wanted this now more than anything. Maybe this had been Theo's plan all along. He wanted to get caught by Charlie, so they could do this. Theo was never the patient one.

"We're of age," Theo said, as if reminding Charlie. "We can hide ourselves in magic all year round, and with a shielding charm…Come on, Professor? A little kiss won't hurt."

Neville practically felt the trepidation vibrating off Charlie, but he hadn't stepped away. He'd not said "no" again.

"A kiss?" Charlie said with an eyebrow raised.

"To start," replied Theo.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, threesome: charlie/neville/theo, rating: pg-13, story: the professor, pairing: neville/theo, community: mixandmatch100

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