Desire - "Secret Admirer?" Part 5 [Merlin/Arthur]

Sep 20, 2017 13:09

Title: Desire
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Arthur is afraid he might cross the line.
Word Count: 300
Author's Notes: Part 5 of the "A Secret Admirer?" Story. Unbetaed.

They drove in silence for a while. Arthur couldn't get Gwen's words out of his head, and he wondered if he was being too rude to Merlin by staying so quiet.

"Are you comfortable?" Merlin asked eventually, his eyes fixed on the road. He reached over to the dials in the car and fiddled with them. His car was very small, the smallest Arthur'd ever been in, but the distance between them seemed quite large. Perhaps Merlin had overheard what Gwen had said and was feeling strange about it.

What would he think? Would he think Arthur was flirting with him and stringing him along? Is that why Gwen told Arthur he should remain single for a while. Or would he think Arthur was considering Merlin to be his rebound.

Arthur wasn't doing any of those things. From what he'd been able to tell so far, he enjoyed Merlin's company quite a lot, and wanted to keep seeing him. Even if it was as friends.

"Sorry…" Merlin said when his fingers brushed against Arthur's knee. His car was bloody small.

"I…it's all right," Arthur said, smiling. "I don't mind."

"You don't mind what?" Merlin asked, his eyes quickly diverting towards Arthur before he looked towards the road again.

Arthur chuckled. "That you accidentally touched my knee."

"Oh, right." Merlin bit his lower lip and continued to stare out towards the road.

Arthur had to wonder if Merlin knew what he was doing. If Merlin knew he was so bloody sexy. As he bit his lower lip, Arthur found himself wanted to taste Merlin. No, that was probably not a good idea. It isn't what friends did. It wasn't the kind of impression he wanted to leave on Merlin.

He wanted to take his time and get to know him.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

story: ma-secret admirer, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: pg, community: camelot_drabble

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