The Professor, Part Eleven

Jul 03, 2017 00:17

Title: The Professor, Part 11
Character(s): Neville, Theo, Charlie
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): 8th year. EWE.
Challenge(s): FOR
mixandmatch100, Prompt: SABOTAGE, and
neville100 Prompt: ACCIDENT.
Word count: 100 X 3
Author's notes: Unbetaed. Continuation of the Professor series.

"You locked the door," Neville said, pushing against Theo's body as he stared Charlie down.

"A momentary lapse in judgement," Charlie replied, coolly.

"Inviting us here was no accident, Charlie. You've seen us. You got cross with Theo because he was trying to flirt with another bloke. You either want us, or you're simply very confused. And I didn't take you to be someone who got easily flustered."

Theo's grasp on Neville's tightened; he pressed his groin against Neville's arse. He, for one, was loving this argument. He always did like it when Neville took charge in the bedroom.

"You could've asked to stop by and pick up the potion from the Greenhouse. You allowed me to come; visit here. With Theo."

"Is that what it is?" Theo asked from over Neville's shoulder. "You wanted him alone here." Theo asked, his voice and spirit sounding slightly sabotaged. Neville pulled him closer.

"You allow him to flirt with other boys at school?" Charlie asked, evidently ignoring everything else they'd said.

"We're open..." Theo said.

"We share."

"Oh," Charlie said looking perplexed.

Neville grabbed Theo's hand, taking a step closer to Charlie. "So, are we doing this?" he asked in a soft voice. "Or should be plan for something for the weekend."

"The weekend?" Charlie asked, looking intrigued.

Neville chuckled, slowly shortening the distance between them; Theo's fingers still twined with his. "Not sure what Hagrid will feel about us...doing the deed in his hut...around his pets."

Then, he was pressed against Charlie, Theo right there with him. Neville nuzzled into the crook of Charlie's neck, his left arm wrapping around Charlie as if he were pulling him in for a hug.

"Merlin you smell good," he said.

Theo pressed against Charlie's side, moaning, "I've wanted this for so long..."

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, threesome: charlie/neville/theo, -threesome, rating: pg-13, pairing: neville/theo, story: the professor, community: mixandmatch100

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