The Patience Game (Merlin/Arthur)

Jun 07, 2017 11:34

Title: The Patience Game
Rating: R
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Arthur and Merlin meet again.
Warnings: Mild sexual content.
Word Count: 680
Author's Notes: Part 17 of the "divorce!fic"

Arthur's fingers raked through Merlin's hair as he tugged on his locks and pulled him in for a deep, long kiss. It's been ages since he'd done this. Since he'd claimed Merlin to be his.

This was how it used to be. When Merlin was his.


"Don't you think we should talk?" Merlin asked him. He turned to face Arthur, his leg brushing against Arthur's.

"About what?"

"What we're doing. And why."

"Why did you show up?"

"You know why."

Did he? "Because it's been so long since you've had a good shag and you knew I was always at least good at that?"


"You left last time. Just like how you left before. If we haven't talked, it's certainly not because of me. It's because you always run away." There. If he wanted to talk, Arthur was going to tell him exactly how it was.

Worst case scenario, Merlin was just leave. Again. Arthur was already used to that scenario.

"Wow," Merlin said. "You still hate me."

Arthur could feel his face scrunch up in confusion, and in a bit of irritation. "You sat across from me during our divorce proceedings. You had nothing to say to me. I was under the impression you hated me. You sent Gwaine to clean out our flat of your things. I had no idea where you were when you were gone. No, Merlin, I don't hate you. I just don't know how to feel. How to act."

He took in a deep breath, wondering if Merlin was going to say anything. He didn't.

"This..." He gestured between them. "We were always good at fucking. You were always good at fucking me. I was always good at sucking you off. If you want to talk about why we're fucking, there's an obvious answer to that. If you want to tell me why you ran away..." At least Merlin had the decency to flinch at those words, "...I'm all ears. I don't have much to say to you. Whatever I wanted to say, I told you outside Thai Fever."


They were quiet for a long time. Much to Arthur's surprise, Merlin didn't leave. If anything, he edged himself closer to Arthur, resting his face in the crook of Arthur's neck.

Arthur held him.

This wouldn't continue on like this anymore. It couldn't. Arthur wasn't going to reserve the hotel room again, and they weren't just going to meet for a shag. He knew it. He needed to make sure that Merlin would know that he expected more. Wanted more. He'd meant what he'd said. If they simply sat across from each other and drank coffee, that would be enough for him. He wasn't going to reduce his feelings for Merlin, reduce their relationship for what they'd had to something so...casual.

There was no honour in this. No deeper meaning.

Arthur had left his job because he was searching for something more meaningful, and he wasn't going to make his experiences with Merlin insignificant, either.


Arthur woke up with a moan. He arched up as he felt Merlin's mouth on him, his hands gently massaging Arthur's thighs.

"What..." Arthur panted. "What are you doing?"

Merlin released Arthur's cock with a pop. "If I have to tell you, then I must not be doing it right."

"You're still...what time is it?" Arthur asked, eyes searching for the clock.

"Almost seven o'clock. Thought maybe we'd shower and I could take you out for breakfast. Well you know, after...this." Merlin licked the head of Arthur's cock, and a shiver went down Arthur's spine.


"I owe you that. A conversation I mean. Sitting across a table at a cafe, maybe giving you my reasons-hoping they don't sound like excuses."

Arthur rested his head back against the soft pillow and closed his eyes. He knew. He knew all he had to do was just push Merlin the right way, and he'd open up to him. He was glad his patience had paid off.

After all these years, he still knew Merlin better than anyone.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: r, story: blind date - ma, community: camelot_drabble

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