art: there's no kissing in quidditch (draco/harry - G)

Feb 18, 2017 16:16

Title: There’s no kissing in Quidditch
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Scorpius
Rating: G
Notes: Created for hd_owlpost / Inspired by the fic: " Put me in, Coach," by burnin_up_a_sun. The broom is supposed to be hovering in the air, in case you can't tell! I hope you like it, thanks!
Disclaimer: Characters don't belong to me. This is created for fun. No offence is intended.
Summary: "You ready for the game today?" - "Yes, Coach!" Scorpius nodded so hard that the helmet slid forward and bumped his glasses.

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recipient: burnin_up_a_sun, rating: g, community: hd_owlpost, gift art, pairing: harry/draco, -art

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