Making New Plans (hp_nextgen100)

Jan 14, 2017 00:06

Title: Making New Plans
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Scorpius (Teddy/James) Lily
Word Count: 100x5
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst
Challenge: #109 for hp_nextgen100. And my entry for enchanted_jae's January challenge: Celebration (JMDC)
Summary: Lily decides enough is enough.
A/N: Unbetaed. Harry/Draco background. Continuation of Worth the Wait series. (AO3 LINK)

1. Worth The Wait
2. Torn
3. A Good Friend
4. Back Up Plan
5. Stunned
6. Comfort
7. Confrontation

Who did Teddy think he was? Did he and James honestly think Scorpius would just go running back to them once invited out? That they'd all have one happy reunion?

Scorpius snorted to himself as he sat on his bed, hugging his pillow, and glaring at the closed door.

After scowling for a long time, Scorpius started to nod off when a knock on the very same door gave him a start. "What?" he snapped.

Lily opened the door and looked inside. "What is wrong with you?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?"

She came in all the way and shut the door behind her. "You've been acting strange for a while now, and I didn't want to say anything because I have no idea what's going on. First you weren't here at James's party on Halloween, and then, you chose to go and spend Christmas with your mother--"


"Your mother is a very nice lady, I'm not saying anything about that. I've just been surprised, is all. I mean, I didn't even get you properly thank you for my Christmas present. You basically gave everyone a enchanted gift cards for shops in Diagon Alley with fifty Galleons each. Which in itself is surprising. Except for me, of course. Thank you very much for that beautiful necklace."

"You're welcome. I'm actually really tired right now so if you don't mind--"

"Why don't you come out with us tonight?" Lily asked before Scorpius could all but kick her out of his room.

"Where?" he asked.

"For New Year's Eve, fool," she said, rolling her eyes. "We're going to this Muggle club. Me, Rose, Hugo, Teresa, Sharon, Joshua...the group."

"They're all your age," Scorpius said making a face.

"Rose is your age."

"Brilliant," Scorpius said without any enthusiasm.

"Honestly, what are you going to do? Just sit here? I already know you turned Teddy down."

"What? How do you know that?"

She rolled her eyes again. "I asked him. I asked what he was doing. He said he and James were going to some gay club, and then I asked why you weren't going with them and he said you'd turned him down."

"And that's all he said?"

"Honestly, Scorpius, what the bloody hell? You and Teddy are--you're so close. You haven't talked to Al, James, Teddy, me... I'm afraid if you keep this up, Draco is going to say something and when you eventually make Draco upset, my dad..." she trailed off, knowing she didn't have to tell Scorpius the rest.

"It's complicated, okay?" he said.

"Well, let's uncomplicate things and celebrate New Year's Eve!" She turned around and left the room as if a decision had been made and Scorpius was going to do whatever she said.

He knew better than to argue with her so he resigned himself to the fact-- apparently he was going out with Lily and her friends tonight. He reckoned it was better than staying home alone. That'd probably get more attention.


series: worth the wait, character: scorpius malfoy, community: hp_nextgen100, character: lily luna potter, challenge: jmdc, rating: pg

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