So. LJ was down. (And I was freaking the hell out)

Dec 23, 2016 11:18

I made this list on Thursday night as I waited for Livejournal to get its act together. The fact that it was down for so many hours really fucked with my head, yo.

Holiday Fest things I'm participating in:

hd_owlpost - 3
rs_small_gifts - 1 (non-anon; already posted)
merlin_holidays - 1
camelot_drabble - 1 (non-anon; posts Dec 24)
winterknights - 1
mini_fest - 2
hoggywartyxmas - 1
rarepair_shorts - 1

Read more... )

about: livejournal, about: fests, about: life, about: writing, about: things i mod

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Comments 8

carpemermaid December 23 2016, 16:24:43 UTC
Omg look at you go, you're such a queen! *cheers*

I was so annoyed with the downtime last night because I was trying to read rs_small_gifts blarg!


digthewriter December 23 2016, 16:32:08 UTC
It was sooooooooooo annoying. MY gf was shaking her head b/c I sat down on the computer and was like "what am I going to do w/ my life now?"


amorette December 23 2016, 19:21:25 UTC
You are fantastic! I am constantly inspired and motivated by you <3


digthewriter December 23 2016, 19:23:57 UTC
I always say, I have two full time jobs! :D


enchanted_jae December 23 2016, 20:58:12 UTC
Sounds like you need an intervention.



digthewriter December 24 2016, 03:54:45 UTC
LOL what will you do w/out all my ANGST?!


alafaye December 24 2016, 03:00:19 UTC
Between the planned downtime and then the unexpected downtime -- fuck's sake. I think we all collectively lost our shit. This is not the month to be down, LJ!


digthewriter December 30 2016, 03:24:06 UTC
I totally agree.


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