Title: The bookshop, part SIX
draco100 PROMPT: 6 - Grateful
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Warnings: NA
Notes: Part six of "
The bookshop" Series.
"Mother, you can't force me to date someone I don't wish to date," Draco protested.
"Draco, you should be grateful that Mr Potter fancies you back--"
"Back? There's no fancying me back in this--"
"Draco," Pansy said placing a hand on Draco's arm, trying to calm him. "Let's not kid ourselves, shall we? I know you had a thing for Potter when we--"
"That was ages ago and we've grown up. This's all fun and games until--"
Binny, the house-elf appeared into the room startling Draco. "Sorry to disturb, but Mr Potter is waiting by the gates of the manor."