Waking Up Next To You (Albus Severus/James Sirius)

Nov 28, 2016 02:06

Title: Waking up next to you
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Albus S./James S.
Word Count: 100
Rating: R
Warnings: EWE
Challenge: Prompt 105: The Morning After FOR HP_nEXTGEN100
A/N: Unbetaed.

"What the..." Albus woke with a start as he felt a warm presence next to him, on his bed, when he was used to sleeping alone.

He'd had far too much to drink the night before; maybe he had an inkling of taking someone to bed but who it could've been escaped him because he was at home. He didn't bring anyone over. He couldn't, because for goodness sake, he lived with Dad and Draco!

James stirred next to him--then everything came rushing back.

James's hands. James's mouth. James's cock. Inside him.

Fuck, he'd finally done it. Hadn't he?

pairing: albus/james, community: hp_nextgen100, rating: r

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