FIC: I NEVER... (Merlin/Arthur)

Nov 02, 2016 01:24

Title: "I never..."
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: 400
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Notes: OMG SO LATE for JMDC for OCTOBER for enchanted_jae and for brunettepet - finally writing MERTHUR drunk. Enjoy. Unbetaed.
Summary: That moment when you realise that no matter the time and place, you always belonged (with each other).

Merlin pushed Arthur against the wall and creeped into his personal space. "I've had just about enough of your games, Pendragon."

"My games?" Arthur asked, his voice squeaking slightly and he was glad for the loud thumping in the club so Merlin couldn't hear his uncertainty.

"Yes. You play with me..." Merlin said, brushing his thumb against Arthur's lower lip. Arthur might have let out a small whimper then. "One moment you act like you want me, then you walk away. It's the same bloody song and dance and well...I'm sick of it. Like me, don't like me, I don't give a shite. Don't fucking play games..."

"I..." Arthur struggled for words but what was he supposed to say? Was it his fault that he remembered and Merlin didn't? Was it his fault that all those feelings for his servant from a million years ago came rushing back to him and he couldn't even tell Merlin how he felt because what if this wasn't the same Merlin as before? What if this wasn't the man Arthur had quietly loved but kept it quiet for crown and country?

"Fine. Sorry to have bothered you then..."

"No, wait. Merlin," Arthur nearly pleaded. "I thought...I thought you liked it when I didn't say what I meant and you had to figure it out. I thought you enjoyed figuring out my--me?"

Merlin's eyes widened and he took a step closer to Arthur again. Gods, Arthur really loved it when Merlin was in his space. His breath on Arthur. And Arthur being able to take in his scent. It's been far too long for this...

" remember?" Merlin asked. When Arthur only smiled in return, he added, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I wouldn't be the prat you love if I just came out and said it, Merlin. Besides, how was I to be sure if you were the same bloke?"

"Arthur..." Merlin breathed. He leaned in, as if hugging Arthur, and then his lips were on Arthur's ear, his breath so bloody warm. "I've missed you."

When Merlin pulled away to look at Arthur again, Arthur replied, "Now you know why I've been playing games, Mer. I needed to know if you were the same. If you remembered. What if your reincarnation--"

"Arthur..." Merlin pressed against Arthur's body and brushed Arthur's lips with his thumb again. "I am the same. I never...died."

recipient: brunettepet, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: pg-13, challenge: jmdc, gift fic

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