Full Disclosure (James Sirius/Albus Severus)

Jul 11, 2016 13:52

Title: Full Disclosure
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Albus Severus
Word Count/Art Medium: ~4600
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Incest. Sex. Angst. Pining.
Disclaimer:Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Created for hprarefest for this prompt by _melodic_. All my thanks to aeris444 for the beta.
Summary: He's always kept his feelings for Al hidden, but when Al is hurting, James is there to comfort him.

After a long day at the Ministry, James finally manages to get home. It's well past ten o'clock and he's sure that Albus has gone off to bed. It's for the better, anyway, the last thing he needs is to run into Albus as he's coming out of the shower. It's bad enough James is having trouble keeping his attraction to Al in check, he doesn't need the uncomfortableness of seeing his brother strutting around the flat in his towel.

Two more months and then he's out of there. Finally, getting that transfer to a different division at the DMLE means that James can move out of the flat. Move out of London.

If it weren't for his dad asking for James to live with Albus, James wouldn't have been in this awkward state in the first place. What could he have said? Sorry, Da, I constantly think about Al's arse, and how well I'd fit in it, so I don't think I should live with him.

After staying there for two years, James thinks that he's done his duty. Al is a full-fledged adult now with a job at the bookshop in Diagon, and a social life.

When he opens the door to the flat, the first floor is dark. Now, James is certain that Al has gone off to bed, or isn't home. He drops off his bag and travelling cloak in the sitting room and heads to the kitchen. He's going to grab a beer and then head to bed.

As he's on his way upstairs, there's a sound that James can't quite put his finger on. As he travels up and up the stairs, the sound increases. Is there someone talking? No, that isn't Al's voice. There's a silent creek and James nearly curses out loud. It's the bed. The bed in Albus's room, and the sound...it's moaning. It's not Al's moans, James knows, so it must be the other bloke's.

Bloody hell, the last thing he needs tonight is to know and hear that Albus is in his bedroom with another man.

Why do you care, anyway?

James doesn't care. Al can fuck whoever he damn well pleases, and it's not up to James to have an opinion about that.

"Merlin. Faster. Faster. Faster." That was definitely Albus. "Bloody hell, Scott. Harder."

James groans with frustration and places a silencing charm around his room as he slams the door closed. He wants to keep all the noise out.

So much for a night of relaxation. James finishes the beer he's holding in one go, wishing that when he'd stopped in the kitchen, he should've picked up the whole bottle of Firewhisky.

He strips his clothes off, gets in the bed and forces his eyes shut. Trying not to imagine Albus on all fours, begging for Scott to go faster, is proving to be a difficult task. Albus on all fours, it's not something James hasn't seen before, and is definitely something he'd never forget.

Four years ago, when Al had come home for the summer from Hogwarts, he'd discovered Dad's hidden stash of Firewhisky and started drinking. When James found him on the roof drinking alone, instead of getting him in trouble, James had joined him. They'd stayed there all night, talking, and James hadn't realised when Al had gotten so close to him.

One last shot, and Al had leaned down to kiss him. Albus had kissed James, and he hadn't believed it. He'd pushed James on his back and had got on top of him. Kissing and caressing him everywhere. Finally, when it'd got dark out, Albus had managed to convince James to take it downstairs. They'd slowly made their way to James's room when Albus took all of his clothes off and got on the bed.

Albus had been there, begging James to fuck him. But James had known that they'd both been drinking too much; Albus more than James, so he'd done the responsible thing and turned him down.

It was wrong to kiss his brother like that, James knew, and they'd never done anything like that ever again.

When James wakes up in the morning, he hopes that Scott is no longer there. He doesn't want to run into his brother's boyfriend, or whatever, before he has to get ready and return to the Ministry. His dad is going to be there waiting for him, and it's going to be another very long day.

"Hey, Jamie!" Al says as he leaves the bathroom with another bloke in tow. They're both only wearing a towel, and at least Scott, has the decency to look chagrined.

Al pulls the man into his room and they're both laughing. This only ruins James's mood more.

He manages to take a shower, get dressed, and run out the door before he sees Albus and Scott again.

Al and Scott have been seeing each other for three weeks and things seem to be going well for them. This is pretty much what James has gathered with the way Dad talks about it. James hasn't managed to spend more than ten minutes with Scott in the same room. Supposedly they're going to go over Dad's place to meet Lily and some of the rest of the family. James has to find a reason to not go.

When James goes home for the night, he's expecting either Al to be cooking up a storm for him and Scott-they'll probably offer James a plate which he'll deny-or Al will be locked in his bedroom with Scott with the bed creaking and Albus begging for something harder and faster and Oh-bloody-Merlin-do-that-again.

Fuck, James is counting the days until he can leave. His new promotion can't get here fast enough.

When he enters the sitting room, James is surprised to see Al sitting on the sofa, alone and with the paper. His eyes are fixed on the print, but James can tell he's not actually reading it.

"What's the matter?" James asks standing next to door after he's closed it behind him.

Al doesn't say anything. His jaw his firm but James can see it twitch slightly. Something is very wrong.

"Al?" James says. He removes his travelling cloak and all but throws it and the briefcase on the floor before he's by Al's side on the sofa. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Al says, sounding exasperated. He puts the Prophet down and looks up at James. "Scott's left."

"Left?" James asks, trying to sound concerned. "Where?" Maybe he didn't like Scott for his own reasons, but he hates seeing Albus so worked up about it.

"Oh shut up, Jamie. You hated him."

"I didn't hate him," James says immediately. "I barely knew the bloke."

"And whose fault is that?" Al snaps.

"What really happened? What do you mean he's left? Did you two have a fight?"

Al shrugs nonchalantly. "We were...busy," he says carefully, "and when it was over, he said that it wasn't working out."

"Just like that?" James asks, angrily. He's bloody well pissed off. Did that good for nothing fuck his brother and then break up with him? How dare he? "What the fuck, Albus? Where does he live?" James stands up and starts pacing around the room. "What the hell does that bloke think he is? You don't treat my brother-"

"Jamie, calm down," Al says, standing up also and coming up to James. He places his hand on James's shoulder and James instantly relaxes. For a minute, at least, until he realises that Albus is touching him. He's rubbing James's shoulders and his face is reading James's expressions.

"Sorry," James says, pulling away from Albus and going back to the sofa. "Here you are breaking up with your boyfriend and I'm the one having a fit."

"Why are you having a fit?" Al asks.

"That fucking bloke had sex with you and then broke up with you? I wanna kill him. That's not how you...that's just messed up, is all."

"Right," Al says, and James can't help but think that he sounds a bit defeated. "It's not all his fault."

"What do you mean?" James asks.

"Nothing. I'm going to bed. I don't even know why I'm still awake. I thought maybe...never mind."

"Al-" James calls after him but Al doesn't turn around. He's gone up the stairs and slams his bedroom door closed.

Bloody hell. Sure, James didn't like the man, but he had his stupid reasons. Still, he didn't want his brother to look so sad. The last thing James wants is for Albus to be hurt.

He has no idea what's got into him, but James doesn't think leaving this alone is a good idea. He goes through the pantry to find the bottle of Firewhisky he's been hiding and takes a couple of shots. He needs to make himself do it. Years ago, it was he who'd rejected Albus, and it was an awful thing to do. He'd felt awful about it, not just because he wanted Albus and couldn't have it, but also because they'd never discussed it. James never got the chance to tell Albus that he loved him. That he'd always love him. But what they wanted to do was not right. It didn't mean there was anything wrong with Albus because he was perfect.

Now, every time someone breaks up with Al, Al goes down this deep road to depression, and it takes him a while to get back.

James has no idea how much Al liked Scott, but he can already see that this breakup is also going to affect Al badly. He needs to straighten things out with his brother. Apologise. Tell him that he's a good man that's worthy of love.

James eventually makes his way up the stairs and to Albus's room. He stands outside for a few minutes before he knocks on the door. There's no response.

"Al, are you sleeping?"

Still no answer.

James tries the door handle and it opens for him. As he takes a step into Albus's room, he's in for a surprise of his lifetime. Al's face is buried in his pillows and his arse is up in the air. On top of that, Al's pleasuring himself with a huge dildo. He's moaning, and the words are hard to make out, but James thinks he hears his name.

"Fuck, Jamie. More..."

"Al..." James whispers the word because he's nearly well lost the ability to speak. His cock is up in attention, straining against his pants and he's itching to touch himself. "Fuck, Al..." he manages to blurt out eventually.

"What...?" Albus's face lifts off the pillow and he turns around to look at James. "Oh my gods, Jamie!" Al whines as if he's twelve years old again and James has walked in on him with a Quidditch Weekly and his trousers down to his ankles.

"Sorry, I thought...shite. Sorry!" James starts to backtrack his steps and leave Albus's room. But, Albus's turned around completely now and his hand is still on his cock.

Fuck, Albus's cock, it's long, and hard, and he's stroking it ever so gently. James's mouth goes dry and his eyes are fixed on Albus's thumb that glides over the head. It's a tender touch, and it sent shivers down James's spine, even though James is standing ten feet away from Albus.

"Like what you see, Jamie?"


James turns around to leave, but stops again. This time, he stops himself. He closes the door to Albus's bedroom and faces his brother again.

"Jamie..." Al says, still stroking his cock.

"Take that thing out of your arse," James says, surprise at how commanding his voice sounds and how it doesn't waver. He himself is trembling.

"Is your cock going to replace it?" Al asks, reaching behind him and removing the dildo. He tosses it to the other side of the bed and it's out of James's view. His eyes don't leave James for one second, and he's stopped touching himself.

"Is that...is that what you want? Want me to fuck you, Albus?"

James takes a tentative step closer to Al, and all of Al's nonchalance is gone. He bites his lower lip and nods, twice.

James can hardly believe he's doing this. Is this the right thing to do? Now of all time? Probably not. But he also knows that at this moment, he can't help himself. All he wants is to wrap himself around Albus, comfort his brother, not just for the break up with Scott, but just so Albus can know how much James loves him. Loves him so much it hurts in every part of his body. He aches for Albus. Aches to be with him. Aches to hear Albus moan his name just one time, as he's moaned every other bloke's name that he's invited to his bed.

James wants to be invited to that bed.

As he reaches the side of the bed where Albus is waiting for him, James drops to his knees. He's looking up at Al, who's got a look on his face that James can't decipher. Is it lust? James hopes he's being obvious enough to show what he wants to do. The fact that James wants this shouldn't entirely be a surprise to Albus, it's not like they hadn't come close to this before.

Though, he knows this time, he's not going to back down.

Albus moves forward on the bed, just to the edge, and James inches closer. Al rakes his fingers through James's hair, eventually tugging on his locks and James opens his mouth and licks the head of Albus's cock. He tastes the glistening precome he's not been able to take his eyes off when Albus moans.

It's a gratifying noise and James's cock throbs because of it. He doesn't reach down to release himself though, not yet. This is about Albus. Loving Albus. Showing him that he's wanted.

James doesn't hesitate to take Albus all the way in. He's sucking, and licking, and doing all kinds of tricks he knows to make sure that this is pleasurable for Al. He swirls his tongue around and around until he releases Al's cock from his mouth and then tongue fucks the slit of his cock.

Albus is whimpering and moaning in a high pitched noise that James's never heard before. Gods, he sounds so needy, and all James wants to do is talk to him. He wants to fuck Albus with his words. He wants to say all the dirty things he's thought about for years and how he'd make it so good for Albus. He'd fuck Albus with his mouth, eat him out like no one ever has, and give him all the love and attention he deserves. He wants to tie Albus's hands to the headboard and forbid him from touching himself, while James gets to lick and fuck and taste Albus everywhere.

He feels Albus's hips gyrate forward and it's not long until Albus is really fucking James's mouth with a constant rhythm of groaning "Jamie" over and over and over again.

Albus tastes sweet. Sweeter than any other man James's sucked off. He empties into James's mouth and James is happy to suck him dry till the last drop. It also helps that Albus's still moaning his name, part in awe, part in disbelief, and he just sounds so innocent as he does it.

There's special place in hell for people like James. People that fancy sucking off their brothers and love how chaste they sound.

As Albus pulls out of James's mouth, he all but crashes back onto the bed. He looks winded, but James is just getting started. There isn't enough time for James to get himself together, because he needs to feel Albus. He needs to fill him now, now, now.

He grabs Albus by his waist and turns him around. There's no time to take all of his clothes off so James only unbuckles his belt, unbuttons his trousers, and pushes them and his pants down. He’s not even taken his shoes off, but none of that matters. What matters is how good Albus will feel with his hole clenched around James's cock.

"All right if I fuck you now?" James asks as he places the head of his cock against Albus's entrance.

"Yes, Jamie. Please!" Albus groans back, pushing himself back, urging James to get on with it.

"I'll make it so good for you, Albus," James says, sliding in. Albus's hole is slick, most likely from the lube that's already there because of how Albus was fucking himself with that dildo. James groans at the thought, annoyed at himself for being jealous of an inanimate object.

Albus props himself up on his elbows and turns his head back to look at James. His gaze falls down at his own arse, as if he's desperate to watch James fuck him. "God, Jamie. So hot," he says, looking as though he's straining to keep his eyes open.

"You like the idea of me fucking you, Al?" James asks, thrusting in and out of Albus. He can feel his release margining closer still. Albus nods and keeps his eyes on James's cock. "Make that noise for me again, Al."

"What noise?"

"When you were fucking my mouth," James pants out, keeping his concentration on the way his cock is sliding in and out of Albus's tight hole. "When I sucked you dry."

Al ultimately crashes on the bed face forward. His elbows seemed to have given out their ability to support him proper. As James pounds into him, Albus, at long last, moans the way James had asked for. It's such a nasally, needy, desperate sound-it makes James ache. He loves that feeling inside of him, knowing that he's doing this to Albus, and that Albus can no longer belong to anyone else.

He belongs to Jamie.

His orgasm comes crashing down and he's pulsating into Albus's body. Hot, and thick, and hopeless.

"Fuck, Albus. You feel so good," James says before he leans down to kiss the back of Albus's neck, and pulls himself out.

Albus shifts his body to the other side of the bed and James lays down next to him. He's panting, hot and out of breath, before he even realises that he's closed his eyes and fallen asleep.

When James wakes up, he nearly panics.


He's half way up on the bed until he remembers where he is, who he's next to, and what he's done.

There's a blanket on him and even in the dark, he can make out Albus's state-his back to James. James relaxes back in the bed and turns to his side. Albus shifts slightly, so James places his arm around Albus. Albus immediately leans into the embrace.

"Are you sleeping?" James whispers, his mouth against Albus's neck.

Albus shakes his head lightly. "I was, but you just woke me up."

"Sorry," James says, and Albus shrugs.

He eventually turns around in James's hold on him, and wraps his arm around James's waist. "You were knocked out so quick, I didn't know what to do. If you were just tired or-"

"Or what? Death by earth-shattering shag?" James asks, chuckling.

"There are worse ways to go," Albus replies with his hand caressing James's side, until he moves it up and takes James's nipple in between two fingers. Albus squeezes it lightly and the sensation sends a jolt down James's groin. He tries to suppress the moan it derives, but fails.

"Al, what we did-"

"I've wanted it so bad, Jamie, you have no idea."

"You have?" James asks. He's surprised because even if they'd done something all those years ago, Al's been constantly dating someone. It didn't look like he was dwelling on it, not like James had.

"Yeah. I'd wanted you that night on the roof, wanted you before then, even. I can't think about anyone else when I touch myself, Jamie. You're always the one in my fantasies...in my bed."

"But what about Scott, and the ones before him?" James is cursing himself for never remembering any of their names.

Albus gives a short laugh as if something is awkward and he's embarrassed. "Scott..." he says with some discomfort. He pulls himself closer to James's body and intertwines their legs, almost as if he's afraid James is going to run away. "I'd beg him to fuck me hard."

"I know, I could hear you," James says, trying to settle down the derisive tone in his voice.

"I wanted him to make me forget you. I thought if he fucked me harder, he'd make me come with just him, and not me thinking about you...but...today..." Albus trailed off. He'd stopped stroking James, stopped moving his leg against James's.

"What happened today?"

"I blurted out your name, Jamie. I was so good at never doing it before. But tonight, I really wanted you. I made him fuck my mouth, made him take me everywhere, on the kitchen table, in the shower, but when I came, I said your name. At first, he thought it was joke, but-"

"What did he say?" James asks, shocked beyond belief. He'd no idea Albus felt this way. He'd no idea that he'd never moved on from that night when James could have taken him. Should have taken him.

"He said I was sick and that he didn't want anything to do with me. He left. I didn't even get a chance to ask him never to tell anyone, but I don't think he's going to."

"Why?" James asks, pulling Albus closer. Al had started touching him again and his erection pressed against James's leg which ultimately made James hard as well.

"It's not something you tell people. That the bloke you were fucking wanted his brother instead."

"Yeah, it's embarrassing, I suppose," James says, taking both of their erections in his hand as he starts stroking them together. Al gasps and releases a small groan that made James's cock leak. "Fuck, I love that sound you make."

"You do?" Al says, sounding needy again. He sways his hips, adding more pressure against James's erection, and brings his hand down to help James.

"Yeah..." James says, pressing their lips together. He'd not kissed Albus tonight; he'd not kissed since that night on the roof. Now, all he wants to do is kiss, and kiss, and kiss his brother.

Al is quick to respond, it's as if he's thought the same thing, needs the same thing. Albus moans around his tongue as James quickens his pace, fucking Albus's hand, and Al's fucking his. They come hurriedly, nearly in unison and James struggles to catch his breath again. It's been a while since he's had sex, especially going for two times in one night. No one has been good enough for a repeat performance, not like Al.

"I'm leaving soon," James says the next morning when he and Al are downstairs in the kitchen having breakfast.

"I know. Big promotion: International Liaison for the British DMLE," Albus says dryly.

"Al, you have to know that I had to. I couldn't...I couldn't just live here, watch you with Scott, or whoever. Not with the way I felt."

"You could have just told me, James. You used to be able to tell me anything. Even when I was still at Hogwarts, and you were in Auror training, we were close. Nothing could have kept us apart and then you-"

"And then we'd kissed that night on the roof. Everything changed after that."

"It didn't have to," Albus says, sounding annoyed.

"You wanted me. That night, you wanted me just as much as I wanted you. You've wanted me ever since, and now what? This is all my fault. Sorry that I didn't put myself out for you to reject me for a second time?" Albus snarls as he pushes his plate of food away and stands up.

"Al..." James says softly, grabbing Albus's wrist and pulling him close. "Don't be like that."

"Fuck, Jamie," Al says, allowing himself to be pulled into James's embrace; almost settling into James's lap. "You know you can't talk me like that when we're having a row."

"Why?" James asks, sounding oblivious.

Albus glowers at him and James presses the palm of his hands against Al's half hard cock. Albus hisses at the touch and his hand grabs James's shoulder, tight.

"Anything I can do to fix your mood, brother?"

"Why don't you put that mouth to some good use, Mr Liaison?" Al says and James smirks up at him. He slips down to his knees, pulling Albus's pyjama bottoms down with him. Of course, he's not wearing any pants, because Albus is brazen and James loves him for it.

James sucks Al to the brink of orgasm and quickly turns him around to fuck him against the kitchen table. He hasn't forgotten that Scott had Al here last night, and the idea of anyone else fucking Al in their home drives James mad.

"Tell me I fuck you better than Scott," James finds himself saying as he's buried deep inside Albus, with Albus's face pressed against the kitchen table.

Albus moans his reply first. "So much better, Jamie. The best. No one fucks me like you do."

"You're mine, Al. Just mine," James shouts as he comes inside Albus.

"Yours, Jamie," Albus pants, his hand working fast on his cock. He's getting ready to come, so James faces him again and takes a hold of Albus's erection.

"Mine," he says, knowing exactly what he's demanding of Al, aware that he can't promise anything to him.

"No one will ever fuck me again, Jamie. I'll wait for you," Al says, spilling all over Jamie's hand.

"What?" James asks, his eyes locking on Albus's face. Al's smiling sweetly at him, partially from the post euphoric bliss and partially from the way he's always looked at James. "No, Al. I can't ask-"

"You're not asking, James. I'm offering. You're going away in a few weeks. But you'll be back. This is your home, our home, and I'm yours."

James pulls Albus in a hug and holds him tight. He can't ask this of Albus, and knows that what they have-it won't last. It can't because it isn't right or proper, and this is why James has to leave in the first place. But, knowing that Albus loves him this much, will make his time away better.

"I have to get to work," James says, pulling away.

"Yeah. Of course," Albus replies and gets out of James's way. He pulls up his trousers and fixes his shirt. "I've got to get going as well."

"Al..." James pulls on Albus's arm and holds him close. "Are you busy tonight?" Al is pressed against him and he simply shakes his head. "Let's go out then. Tonight."


"I know a Muggle club. We can-no one will know us there-"

"You want to take me out?" Albus asks, his eyes wide, as he looks at James.

"Yeah. Like you said, I'm only here for a few weeks. I want...I've always wanted...I mean..." Merlin, James has no idea how to tell Albus that he wants Al in a public place. He wants to be surrounded by a sea of people and kiss Albus. He wants to dance with him, wants people to see them, and be jealous of them. It's bizarre, and unrealistic, and completely mental. But it's what he wants.

"Okay," Al says, pulling James in for a deep kiss. It's almost as if he can read James's mind. "I want too."


pairing: albus/james, community: hprarefest, rating: nc-17

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