It's clear -- Harry/Draco

Jun 24, 2016 01:21

Title: It's clear
Team: AURORS for dracoharry100
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: DRACO/HARRY
Challenge: CLEAR for dracoharry100
Authors Notes: UNBETAED.

You stand there and you watch him. He socialises with everyone around, but you. And you can’t help yourself; you stare. You stare all fucking night.

Then you say to fuck it all and ignore him.

You don’t need him. You don’t need his games; certainly don’t need the heartache over someone that doesn’t even want you.

You tell yourself that you don’t want him.

You move on. Or at least, you try. You make new friends, but you still see him, and he sees you.

It is what it is. You’ll never have him.

You tell yourself it’s okay. part two here

series: that one time, community: dracoharry100, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/draco

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