In The Shadows (Merlin/Arthur, Will)

May 12, 2016 00:05

Title: In the shadows
Author: digthewriter
Rating: PG13
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur, Will, OMC
Summary: Will reflects on his life and friendship with Merlin
Warnings: Modern AU. Will's POV
Word Count: 1000
Prompt: "Shadows" for camelot_drabble
Author's Notes: Chapter 14 of " A Last Chance" Series. Best to catch up on AO3.

Or you can read from part one on LIVEJOURNAL (next chapter is linked at the end of each chapter)

Ever since Will had learned to love, he'd loved Merlin. At first, as one of his best friends, and eventually, as something more. When they were young, Will watched Arthur waltz into Merlin's life and demand all of his time. Even then, he could see how infatuated Merlin was with Arthur, and how Will was always left in the shadows.

He watched Arthur destroy Merlin's hope, his love, his spirit. Still, his friend was resilient and bounced back from everything Arthur had ever done to him.

And now? All these years later, Arthur was back in Merlin's life, and Merlin was welcoming him with open arms.

It was true that Will was still in love with Merlin. Even though they'd only shared that one night together, and Merlin had said it was a mistake, Will had still be hung up on him. Just like how Merlin was hung up on Arthur. It was a bloody mess. Their life.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea in the world to put in for emergency time off and pack his bags to fly to Toronto just because Arthur was there. Will knew he was being desperate, but at the same time, he couldn't help himself. If Arthur could make this gesture, then so could Will. Will loved Merlin just as much as Arthur. He needed to show Merlin he had a choice. Even if he didn't pick Will, he still had a choice. There wasn't much he could do in way of showing Merlin that he was worth it.

Deep down, Will had admitted to himself he could never amount to much compared to Arthur, but he was so torn between doing the right thing for his friend, and giving it all just one last time. It was an absolute failure, of course. Arthur was just as bloody handsome and charming as ever and Merlin was head over heels for him.

And the latest stunt he pulled? Getting some bloke named Todd to invite them to party? Will had no idea what the purpose of it was, but he was certain nothing good could come out of it.

"Come on, Will. You have to come with us," Merlin said. Us. As if bloody Arthur and Merlin were already a fucking item. Again. Did he really want to tag along and be the third wheel all over again? How were they seventeen all over again? At least this time, Arthur wasn't fucking a girl on the side, also. Maybe Will should have said that. No, that would only make him look like a wanker, so he refrained.

"Are you sure? I mean, I could just stay here--"

"You can't stay here," Merlin demanded. "Come on. I haven't been a party in forever and this'll be fun. We'll meet new people and you'll see some of the people I work with. I bet you'll have fun."

Yeah, he was going to have fun, all right. Have fun watching Arthur try to pull Merlin in front of him, flirt with him, and be that damn charming self and Will would just simply stand in a corner and feel sorry for himself.

"I don't know..."

"Fine, I'll tell Todd we're not going," Merlin said, turning around and pretending to take his mobile out.

Will rolled his eyes at his stupid friend, and his stupid, yet adorable pout. "Fine!" he groaned and from the corner of his eye, saw Arthur fucking Pendragon smiling.

Merlin gave him a grin that could have lit a Christmas tree. Besides, what was Will going to do anyway? He'd travelled all the way to bloody Canada on a whim to see Merlin, and if Merlin wanted to go to a party, they'd go to a party.


When they arrived at Merlin's coworker's house, it was already full of people. Many of the attendees were huddled in little groups and as soon as they saw Merlin, they cheered. Some of them seemed to recognise Arthur and gave him a knowing look. Will's stomach turned at that. He really fucking hated Pendragon.

When Merlin went around the room introducing Will, it was a little better. Will liked the attention Merlin was giving him, his arm around Will's neck, and the enthusiasm of introducing his "best mate," was well received. By everyone. Except for maybe Arthur, and that made it loads better.

Finally, they met the host. Todd Cloutier. When Merlin made the introductions, Will nearly forgot his own name. Todd Cloutier had amber eyes, and skin so smooth it could put caramel apple to shame. His skin was dark, but in way of hazelnut coffee mixed with heavy cream and Will wanted a taste. He'd never met a man he'd compared to an after dinner dessert coffee combination before. He was certainly losing his mind.

"When did you start speaking like this?" Merlin asked, sounding amused, and Will caught Arthur laughing as well.

"Well, you told me you had a friend visiting and I just had to practice my QC upbringing," Todd said. "It's not every day I get three hot British men in my apartment, darling."

"Oh, where are you from?" Will found himself asking.

"My family's from Quebec, but we're also third generation French Creole, and I lived in Paris for a few years doing study-abroad in University. I'm a gentleman of the world!" Todd said, waving his hand in the air, as if he were on display at a Broadway show.

"So what are you doing in Toronto?" Merlin asked, sounding unimpressed.

"Same as you, darling. I go where they pay me," Todd said smiling, and then he looked over at Will and winked. Will felt his cheeks burning so he looked away and found Arthur staring right at him. Will scowled at Arthur and returned his gaze towards Todd.

"But enough about me! Let me give you the grand tour of my place." Todd grabbed Merlin by the elbow and led them down a long corridor.

Arthur and Will obediently followed. NEXT: DISTRACTING WILL

pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: pg-13, series: a last chance, community: camelot_drabble

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