Writing Challenge - Harry/Draco - "The Fight"

Dec 15, 2015 13:07

Written for the challenge "four in, one out" - Challenge was to eliminate a vowel and write a story. Out of a/e/i/o/u, I eliminated the letter "A". The following story does not have a letter A (possibly why we don't know who Potter is fighting with, but we all know. Really)

Title: The Fight
Author: digthewriter
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Harry/Draco
Warnings: It's really, Potter/?? since the other character's name is not mentioned.
Vowel Excluded: "A"
Word Count: 165

"You think you're so clever." He sneered, wishing nothing more but to kiss Potter in lieu of hitting him. Still, he opted on fighting, not kissing.

"I don't know? Is it true?" Potter smirked. "I don't think such things. It's you who insists it so, so it must be true."

He scowled, turning to step outside the room. He'd prefer if they didn't converse ever but knew it to be impossible. They worked together, which'd been of course, Potter's doing. Not his.

"We don't need to fight continuously, you know." Potter smiled softly, like he tried to conjure some sort of unity between them.

"It's forever your doing," he retorted. "It's true. I didn't wish for--"

He couldn't get his words out, since Potter shut him up by kissing him. Bloody hell. Nothing else could be done, except for kissing him in return. So he did so. He just kissed Potter. Potter kissed him. Then, he couldn't even remember why they'd been fighting so frequently.

community: card_writing, pairing: harry/draco, challenge: vowels, rating: pg

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