Holiday ART One: James/Scorpius

Dec 04, 2015 12:40

It's Friday. That means it's time to play "Make up a story" challenge!

Pairing: James/Scorpius
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Rating: PG
Created for: My Holiday challenge - look at the art and write a story/drabble/detailed summary. Leave your thoughts and comments. Also my holiday gift to: capitu, and this_bloody_cat for getting me into this pairing.
Notes: Tell your friends. Have ( Read more... )

pairing: james sirius/scorpius, about: dig's holiday challenge, about: challenges, -art, rating: pg

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See what you made me do?? :D capitu December 4 2015, 22:29:47 UTC
Ready. G. 100 words.

Scorpius wrapped his arms around James holding him back. He pressed his face against James's neck and simply breathed him in.

Scorpius let James's scent engulf him completely and by the time James's stance relaxed and his arm sneaked back to hold Scorpius, he felt far more centred.

He could do this. They could do this.

James turned around and gave him a small smile. "Ready?"

Scorpius looked into James beautiful eyes and smiled back. "Ready."

Together they talked into the Burrow back yard and in to the house where he'd be presented as James boyfriend for the first time.


Re: See what you made me do?? :D digthewriter December 4 2015, 22:37:23 UTC
OH, this is perfect. It is absolutely brilliant. Just love it to pieces. I do. ♥


Re: See what you made me do?? :D capitu December 4 2015, 22:42:14 UTC
I'm so happy you do. Just for you. ♥

It was this or a ~snowball fight in which James tries to kiss Scorpius in public and Scorpius didn't want anyone to know about them yet but then when James leaves he regrets it so he runs to him and hugs him and kisses him, but I had no idea how to do that. ^^ So this! :)


Re: See what you made me do?? :D digthewriter December 4 2015, 22:43:39 UTC
Oh that can totally fall in the "detailed description" category.

I really like that. I might put this up as a prompt for someone to use and write a story.


Re: See what you made me do?? :D capitu December 4 2015, 22:49:03 UTC
Sweet! :D


Re: See what you made me do?? :D llaeyro December 4 2015, 23:21:09 UTC
Squee! Cute! There is something slightly, beautifully, desperate in the picture, isn't there? I took it as longing but the nerves work so well too! Harry's cool, I'm sure they'll be fine :P


Re: See what you made me do?? :D capitu December 5 2015, 12:16:10 UTC
Yes, there are all those things in the picture, it's very expressive!


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Re: See what you made me do?? :D capitu December 5 2015, 12:16:24 UTC
Aren't they just? <33


Re: See what you made me do?? :D _melodic_ December 5 2015, 16:09:16 UTC
Ahh, what a great little moment into their relationship! Sweet, short and lovely!!


Re: See what you made me do?? :D capitu December 5 2015, 21:59:56 UTC
Thank you! <333


Re: See what you made me do?? :D bleedingangel84 December 6 2015, 03:19:12 UTC
This is amazingly adorable! I love it.


Re: See what you made me do?? :D capitu December 6 2015, 14:53:09 UTC
Aw, thank you! <3333


Re: See what you made me do?? :D hikarievandar December 6 2015, 12:55:01 UTC
Aw, this was so lovely and heartwarming. They're so optimistic! I love that Scorpius was using James' scent to ground himself <3


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