Issues - 11 - Harry/Draco

Nov 03, 2015 22:21

TITLE: Issues, part 11
author: digthewriter
pairing: harry/draco
rating: pg
notes: read part 10 (or on ao3 now)

"You don't have to cook," Malfoy said suddenly and offered the cup of coffee to Harry. "I mean we can go out for breakfast. You know, after you change..."

Harry raised an eyebrow. Seemed like the thing to do. "I..."

"That is if you're okay with that. You know, going out together, to eat something," Malfoy said slowly as if Harry were an imbecile.

Harry scowled at how Malfoy was treating him. But, he couldn't really blame him, either. Harry had slammed the door on Malfoy's face.

"Sure, I'll just go and get ready then," Harry said, taking a sip of the coffee and then made his way to the bedroom, leaving Malfoy behind.

When he picked out a shirt from his closet and started to put it on, he heard Malfoy's voice. "Your bedroom's bigger than I had imagined. Cleaner too."

"What are you doing here?" Harry nearly jumped.

Malfoy ignored him and entered the room, taking a full look around. He scowled at a picture of Harry and Ron near the door, and then quickly schooled his face. Eventually, he turned towards Harry and frowned. "Well, are you going to get ready or just keep staring at me?" PART 12

series: issues, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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