A good morning - Sirius/Remus

Nov 03, 2015 07:27

Title: A good morning
Author: digthewriter
Pairing(s)/character(s): Sirius/Remus
Rating: PG
Word count: 200
Warnings: NA
Disclaimer: Characters don't belong to me. This is written for fun. No offence is intended.
A/N: Written for the prompt: "bathtime for Padfoot" by dustmouth, I hope you like it; for sirius_black birthday party! All my thanks to josephinestone, and capitu for looking it over.

Remus woke up unusually warm since he was in the middle of the field and there was a chill in the breeze. Of course, Padfoot was there, on top of him, sleeping soundly. It’d been a full moon the night before and, as always, his partner had been there to run with him. All night.

He stirred slightly as Padfoot started to drool, and Remus really needed to get cleaned up. In fact, he was sure that Padfoot could use a bath, too.

“Come on,” he said, nudging Padfoot to wake up and move off him. Padfoot grumbled in protest but did as he was told.

They walked to the lake. Padfoot jumped in, splashing everywhere, leaving Remus by the edge, and shaking his head. Eventually, he hopped in, too. They wrestled-part playing, part bathing.

As Remus floated about in the water, Padfoot came closer and nuzzled his head in the crook of Remus’s neck. Remus laughed when Padfoot’s wet nose tickled him, and then he started to lick Remus.

“You’re defeating the purpose of becoming clean,” Remus protested but pulled Padfoot closer. Padfoot gave a satisfied sigh and stayed close to Remus.

It was a good morning.

rating: g, recipient: dustmouth, pairing: sirius/remus, community: sirius_black

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