Issues - 9.

Oct 29, 2015 11:28

Title: Issues, Part 9
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: 100x2
Notes: In which DIG does damage control at angsting the fuck out of her characters whilst drunk. Also, please note: This is the last drabble for October. I am going to pick up this series and write 100 words a day/every other day and continue the story in November.

Read part 8 (from last night)

Disappointed at how the night had turned out, and at his own actions to outing himself to Malfoy, Harry stripped off his clothes and crashed on the bed.

His dreams weren't any better. He constantly dreamt of chasing after a train, a car, or a bus, and missing it.

Harry woke up with a bad headache and a heart that hurt. Merlin, he really needed to snap out of it. This wasn't his first rejection, but this one had hurt because it'd been Malfoy.

He was glad it was a Saturday and he could just relax; not think about how much he'd fucked up. He made his way to the front door to grab Saturday's edition of the Prophet. His wards were secure and he'd restricted communication via Floo so the paper was delivered to his doorstep.

Much to his surprise, when Harry bent down to grab the paper, he saw a set of limbs walk up to him. His gaze followed from the shiny shoes, to the finely pressed trousers, to hands that held two cups of coffee.

The hands of course, belonged to Malfoy. Was he still asleep? Was this another nightmare?

"Potter, fancy a coffee?" Malfoy said.

Thanks for reading. See you in November


series: issues, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/draco

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