Issues - 7

Oct 27, 2015 22:50

Title: Issues - 7
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 100
Notes: Unbetaed. Two glasses of wine and one Guinness. MISSED PART SIX?

Malfoy look as though he’d been stunned silent. Of course, he was drunk, drunker than Harry, so Harry figured it would just take him longer to process what he’d said and realise the meaning.

“You… Those were dates?”

Harry laughed. “No, but I’d hoped after one invitation, I’d ask you out on a proper date and of course, that never happened.”

The bus came to a screeching halt; it was time for Harry to get out.

“Well, I’ll see you then, Malfoy.” Without a glance backwards, Harry stepped out of the Knight Bus and started to walk his way home. READ 8

series: issues, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/draco

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