Let them hear - Harry/Draco

Oct 26, 2015 23:27

Title: Let them hear
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Challenge(optional): 271 for harry100
Rating: R
Length(if fic): 100
Summary(optional): Harry doesn't care who hears.

“Potter, keep it down. The neighbours will hear.”

“Let them,” Harry challenged. “Didn’t you say the girl next door is always over trying to borrow a cup of sugar…”

“Yeah, so?”

“In her pants, Draco. I can’t have that. She needs to know you’re mine.”

Draco huffed a breath. “I am yours.”

“Good,” Harry said and thrust harder, this time, causing Draco to moan noisily. “That’s it, Draco. Give me more of that.”

Draco looked like he tried to aruge back but he just couldn’t at the moment. Harry continued what he was doing. Neighbours be damned. Draco was his.

community: harry100, rating: r, pairing: harry/draco

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