Drabble: Taste - Harry/Draco

Oct 22, 2015 10:46

Title: Taste
Written for idikehaine on Oct 6th for a request.
Word Count: 100
Author: digthewriter

Draco's mouth tasted of Firewhisky and chocolate. In the darkness of the room, Harry felt Draco's cold hands on his ribs before he felt Draco's tongue in his mouth. He was out late again, and Harry had tried to wait up, he really did, but sleep had snuck up. He'd told Draco before Draco had left that no matter the hour, Draco wake him when he returned and now he was just fulfilling that promise. And Harry was glad for it. Harry spread his legs so Draco's body could settle comfortably on top of him. And then, Harry's night began.

recipient: idikehaine, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/draco

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