Drabble: Issues - 2 [Harry/Draco]

Oct 20, 2015 23:47

Title: Issues, part two
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Harry continues the play the game.
Notes: My Firewhisky fic of sorts -- aka where dig writes drunk, but still counts the words. PART ONE HERE: http://digthewriter.livejournal.com/233869.html

"Your place or mine?" Malfoy asked.

"You'll go to yours, and I'll go to mine," Harry said, as they always did. Because that was the ritual. They were drunk and that was all. Even if Harry wanted to press Malfoy against the side of the building, nudge his knee in between Malfoy's sexy, thin legs and just writhe against him. Right then and there.

"You are never any fun," Malfoy complained.

"Yet you keep insisting on seeing me," Harry teased and pulled Malfoy away from the pub, the crowd, to a quiet corner and they waited for the Knight Bus. PART THREE

series: issues, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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