SMOKE - Draco/Harry

Sep 17, 2015 22:18

Title: Smoke [Grilled Cheese, Part III]
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: 100
Written for: hd_pots_n_porn - “nuts”
Rating: R
Author’s Notes: read PART ONE; PART TWO. Unbetaed. Author may or may not have had some wine before writing this drabble.

“Usually my grilled cheese doesn’t involve nuts,” Harry said teasingly as Draco’s hands travelled between his legs, cupping his balls.

“You think you’re just so funny, Potter.” Draco shut Harry up with a kiss.

Harry tasted of mouthwash and juice; Draco wished Harry’d opted for coffee instead. Still, he didn’t care, continuing to suck on Harry’s tongue and started to stroke his cock firmly.

Harry moaned into Draco’s mouth, slightly thrusting up. Clearly he liked what Draco did…until smoke had filled the room. Draco realised it wasn’t from the heat in-between them but the oil on the pan had inflamed. read the next part

community: hd_pots_n_porn, rating: r, pairing: harry/draco, series: grilled cheese

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