Title: The Creature
digthewriterWord count: 210
Characters/pairings: Draco, Pansy
Challenge: Christmas Challenge 13 for
dracoharry100 DAY ONE: In a snowy forest
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of the Harry Potter universe. This little piece of fiction is written for fun. No profit is being made.
He had a same dream every night. He was lost in a snowy forest and an animal was chasing him. What this animal was, he had no idea because he was just really good at dodging it.
Every night - like clockwork - Draco had this dream. He took potions for dreamless sleep, and they didn’t work.
Nothing worked.
“What else do you remember?” Pansy asked him when he’d tell her about it the next day.
“Nothing else. Just the set of intense eyes on the dark creature. I don’t even know what this creature is. It just catches up to me wherever I go!” Draco was terrified of the dream, of what it meant.
Years after the war, the nightmares had stopped. Then this dream had started, and Draco was afraid. Afraid of what it could mean.
“Have you ever thought…” Pansy paused for a moment. “…of letting the creature finding you?”
“I can’t really control my dream, Pans,” Draco answered, his hand twisted up as though he was afraid he’d start shaking again if he didn’t do that - with his hands.
“Try it,” she said. “Try not to run. Not to panic. Try and face the creature. Maybe he’s looking for a friend, like you.”
Read Part 2