The latest issue of Quidditch Weekly - for this_bloody_cat [James S/Scorpius Malfoy]

Jun 05, 2015 07:01

Title: The Latest Issue of Quidditch Weekly
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 570
Pairing: James S. Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU/EWE
Created for: Birthday fic for this_bloody_cat where the first letter of each sentence eventually spells out: THIS BLOODY CAT ♥
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Unbetaed. It's nothing special, I hope you enjoy it! xx

"This isn't what it looks like..." Famous last words.

How was James supposed to explain what he was doing with his one hand down his trousers while the other held the Quidditch Weekly with a certain blond on the cover page? He didn't have any other explanation and the thing of the matter was, that in that particular moment, his hand had just been unfortunately on the wrong place while he was looking through the magazine.

It was the one time he actually wasn't wanking to the fantasy of Scorpius Malfoy.

Scorpius bloody Malfoy that was standing at the archway of James's bedroom with one eyebrow raised and a smirk so sexy, it nearly took James's breath away.

"Boys will be boys," Scorpius said and walked into James's room. He closed the door and turned to look at James. "Just so they don't hear you try to explain yourself. Because, I reckon, this is exactly what it looks like."

"Look, Malfoy," James snarled and got up off the bed. "You just happen to catch me at the wrong moment, okay? And what are you doing here, anyway? I thought you had practice. That's what you'd told Al." James inwardly cringed at his own comment. He'd been listening in on Albus's Floo calls again. He quickly looked away from Scorpius before he saw that stupid smirk again.

"Over for the week," Scorpius said casually. "The coach took us all out for dinner, then he invited me over to hang out. Perks I suppose." Perks. It's what happened when the Coach was Malfoy's best friends dad, and also sleeping with Malfoy's dad.

Out of the corner of his eye, James noticed Scorpius looking around James's room as if he were scrutinising the artwork or looking for more Stormers paraphernalia. The fact that Malfoy played for the Stormers had nothing to do with why James supported them.

"Dad invited you?" James asked and didn't wait for Scorpius to reply, "then why are you in here?"

"Your presence was missed," Scorpius said haughtily and his eye fell on the open page of the Quidditch Weekly that was now laid out on James's bed. It was open to an old photo of Oliver Wood posing shirtless with his broom. James sighed with relief that it was at least proof that even if James was unintentionally caught in a compromising position, it wasn't like he was wanking to Scorpius's photo. This time.

Catching the scowl on Scorpius's face, James chuckled. "Gives a whole new meaning to wood," he said just for kicks since he wanted to torment Scorpius now. Except, the disappointed, dare he think it, jealous look on Scorpius's face left James with a sour feeling.

After a minute of silence, James placed a finger on Scorpius's chin and lifted his gaze to meet James's. When Scorpius didn't flinch, James leaned in and pressed his lips against Scorpius's. He expected Scorpius to pull back, or punch James, but he'd only kissed him back.

They stood there, taking in the silence of the room where the only sound present was of the heavy breathing and the moaning from their kisses. James was having a hard time believing that it wasn't all a joke, but Scorpius only deepened the kiss, pressed his hips harder against James's until he pushed James on his bed and got on top of him--leaving the latest issue of the Quidditch Weekly, forgotten.

pairing: james sirius/scorpius, rating: pg-13, recipient: this_bloody_cat, gift fic

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