Blame The Full Moon, V - HARRY/DRACO

May 29, 2015 19:43

Title: Blame The Full Moon, V
Word Count: ~750
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Content: AU: Remus+Sirius live. [Possible Remus/Sirius side pairing]
Created for: hp_creatures APRIL + MAY prompts: Shower, Tokyo / Flower, Seoul. And, hd_pots_n_porn prompt: edible flowers
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Author knows NOTHING about flowers. PART FIVE. Read Part ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR. UNBETAED.

Summary: Harry wakes up and Malfoy isn't there. This concerns him...

When Harry woke up in the cottage the next morning, he was alone. He'd had one of his hottest nights with Malfoy - he'd had one the hottest nights, ever - and Malfoy hadn't even stayed.

Sure, Malfoy had said that he was breaking up with Oro and Harry had assumed it meant that he and Malfoy were going to date now, but, this wasn't a good start. He was sore and groggy as he walked into the shower and ran the hot water.

Harry wished that he could have called upon Remus to help him but he and Sirius were off somewhere in Asia. The last two post cards were from Tokyo two months ago, then Seoul just last week. There was a way to contact them but it was supposed to be for 'emergencies only', and Harry didn't want to call upon them unless it was an emergency.

His dating life, or lack of, was not an emergency.

It was also a good thing that he didn't have to work today. Harry didn't get normal days off like everyone else. There was no 'weekend' for him. He always got the two days before and two days after the full moon off, otherwise, he worked every day for the rest of the month. It was one of the perks of working with his best friend at the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

He just didn't understand why Malfoy had left. Why hadn't he left a note? Surely, he just went to work on his potions but it was just so odd. Should he investigate? Harry thought about what he should do. He couldn't just show up at the manor. He had to stop just dropping in on Malfoy's day demanding to be seen or heard - but it was just so his style.

Laughing at himself and his newly found possessive side - must be the side effects of being a werewolf - Harry dismissed the idea. Instead, he went to see a florist that owed him a favour, this bloke named Robinson, and order a bouquet.


"What is it that you're trying to convey with your gesture?" Robinson asked him when Harry told him that he needed to place an order.


"Just say it. Trust me, there isn't something I haven't already heard," Robinson assured him with his soft tone. "No judgements." Funnily enough, that was the name of the flower shop.

"I don't like that you just left this morning without a word and I thought we were going to be more than just two people who shagged out of necessity," Harry blurted out.

It was clear that Robinson was trying to suppress a laugh or a snort so Harry just laughed for him. "Sorry, it's been a while and-"

"Perhaps viola canadensis, these beautiful white flowers with hints of purple. Tell me, Mr Potter, is your...ahem... lover a scholar? What is their profession?"

"Calling him a scholar would be an understatement," Harry said immediately. "He's the smartest person I know, I mean besides my friend Hermione. He is well versed in potions, literature, occlumency... you name it."

"Ah!" Robinson said, looking delighted. "Then he will surely know what the flowers signify."

"What do they signify?" Harry asked, nervous. He was glad that Robinson didn't linger on the fact that his lover was also a 'he'.

"Let's take a chance on happiness. The irregular shapes of the flowers show us that not everything is so straightforward and beauty isn't conventional. More, if he is a potioneer then he'll appreciate the fact that white violets are also an edible species. He'll be able to use them in potion making and perhaps even create a unique aphrodisiac mix." Robinson smirked knowingly at Harry who felt his face flush and his ears burning.

Harry agreed to purchase the flower and wrote Malfoy's name and on the card. Robinson promised to get them delivered straight away and wished Harry the best of luck.

Before Harry left the flower shop, he turned to Robinson. "I don't have to remind you-"

"All my transactions are confidential, Mr Potter," Robinson said before Harry could find the words to make sure that his business wasn't going to be published in the next issue of the Prophet. "I appreciate your business and will not discuss it."

Harry thanked him and left the shop. Hopefully, he'd get to see Malfoy again before the next full moon. PART SIX

community: hd_pots_n_porn, story: blame the full moon, community: hp_creatures, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/draco

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