ART: Finally Together [James Sirius/Scorpius]

Apr 27, 2015 20:01

Title: Finally Together
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Pairing: James Sirius/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sexual Content
Created for: capitu for participating in the Guessing Game, who'd asked for Art! :D:D:D:D Please? James/Scorpius. <3
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: I suck at titles. This is my DAY of art on so many levels. ART ALL AROUND! I seriously don't have a style.

pairing: james sirius/scorpius, recipient: capitu, rating: nc-17, -art

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