Headache [Harry/Draco]

Mar 05, 2015 14:20

Title: Headache
Author: digthewriter
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: DRACO/HARRY
Challenge: FOUNDATION for dracoharry100
Authors Notes: Inspired by the fact that I have a headache. Enjoy.

"I have a headache!" Draco collapsed on the sofa in the Gryffindor Common Room next to Harry and pouted.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Harry wondered why Draco was there, anyway. If he had a headache, why didn't he just go back to his room in the Slytherin Dungeons and rest?

"The whole foundation of our friendship is that you said you'd help me when I needed help. Well, I need help!"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Alright. Come on." Harry patted his lap and Draco rested his head there and Harry started to massage Draco's scalp.

community: dracoharry100, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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