Looking For Something

Feb 23, 2015 23:11

Title: Looking For Something
Author: digthewriter
Rating: PG
Warnings: 8th year fic
Word Count: 100x2
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. Rights belong to the respective creators.
Notes: Written for prompt #29 at dove-drabbles. Written for prompt #381 at dracoharry100. Written for prompt 254 at
Summary: Harry goes looking for something in the middle of the night.

Hermione was the expert in this. A summoning spell in reverse. It didn’t bring what you needed to you, it brought you to it. So Harry took a deep sigh and turned right. He walked where his feet lead him, even though Hermione had told him that he would be going where his heart took him.

It was foolish to walk around the castle with his eyes closed; even though it was the middle of the night and no one was supposed to be there, he’d bumped into someone.

“You always walk around with your eyes closed, Potter?” Malfoy snarled when Harry opened his eyes and realised that Malfoy’s things were scattered all over the floor.

“Not always, no,” Harry said, kneeling down to help Malfoy gather his belongings. “Why are you out so late, anyway?”

“Why do you care?”

Harry shrugged. “Just curious, is all.” Malfoy hesitated in replying and eventually just scowled at Harry. Harry couldn’t help but chuckle. “…trouble sleeping these days,” Harry confessed, “so I was out looking for what I needed.”

“Well, don’t let me stop you,” Malfoy said and tried to move out of Harry’s way.

“Rather sure I just found it,” Harry replied.

community: harry100, community: dracoharry100, community: dove_drabbles, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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