To Devour [Severus/Sirius]

Feb 23, 2015 22:25

Title: To devour
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 100
Pairing: Severus Snape/Sirius Black
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual content. Rimming.
Created for: snape100, prompt: gluttony
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes:...because akatnamedeaster has turned me onto this pairing. Seriously. Unbetaed and most likely clichéd

He knew that he shouldn't have started, because he knew that wouldn't be able to stop himself. But, how could he resist when the one underneath him gasped and moan with such wonderful noises?

Severus's desire to consume him whole, to have more than he really required or needed was always only brought out by the one Sirius Black. He could worry about the consequences later on. He didn’t need to burden himself about that.

Right now, he had the feast in front of him. Begging for it. Whimpering at the feel of Severus’s tongue tasting him, penetrating with pleasure.

community: snape100, rating: r, pairing: snape/sirius

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