Making The Move (Merlin/Arthur)

Feb 11, 2015 17:29

Title: Making The Move
Author: digthewriter
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur, Will
Warnings: Modern!Au. Sexual content implied.
Word Count: 735
Author's Notes: This is a second part to a story I wrote last year called " Make A Move Or Move On" Completely unbetaed.

Summary: Merlin is getting ready for his 'date' with Arthur when Will shows up.

Merlin opened the door after the first ring of the doorbell. He'd expected Arthur to be there and much to his surprise, and annoyance, it was Will. "What are you doing here?" he snapped.

"I thought I'd help you out and take more photos for the website. Why are you wearing-why are you dressed up?" Will gave him a once-over and continued to walk into Merlin's flat.

"I'm not dressed up and I don't want to take any more pictures, thank you very much. The one I took has already caused me enough trouble." Merlin kept the door open and he was about to tell Will that he needed to leave when Will grabbed one of Merlin's neckerchiefs and started to play with it. "Leave that alone."

Merlin marched up to his friend and yanked the cloth out of his hands. "I was going to-"

"You've got a date," Will said.

"Sort of. Now I want you to get out-"

"Wait. You already posted that picture and you've got someone coming over-"

"If I had posted that picture and was going to have someone come over for sex, I wouldn't dress like this," Merlin said and realised that now he'd already said too much. Shite.

"Who is it?"

"Arthur." Merlin knew that there was no point in beating around the bush; the faster he told Will the truth, the fast he could get Will to leave.


"Yes. I'll tell you all about tomorrow when we go to the pub but now you have to leave!" Merlin walked up to the door again and opened it. This time, Arthur was standing there. Bloody brilliant.

Arthur looked up at Merlin and smiled before his gaze fell on Will. "I...uh...didn't realise it was going to be that kind of a party," he said calmly.

"It's not. Will was just leaving."

"Ex-boyfriend?" Arthur whispered to Merlin.

"God, no!" Merlin exclaimed. "He just came by to- Anyway, please come in."

Arthur walked into Merlin's flat and gave Will a curt nod. "I brought some beer-"

"Why? Wine was too romantic for a casual fuck?" Will sneered.

Merlin glared at Will as he stood behind Arthur. What the fuck was he on about? Will was the one who was pushing Merlin to make a move and now he was being such an arse!

Merlin took the beer off Arthur's hands who then removed his gloves and placed them in his jacket pocket. "I- I'm not sure what I've done to offend you," Arthur said politely, which really shocked Merlin because Will was being a complete wanker. "You're not his ex but you sound like you're...jealous. I just stopped by because-"

"I know why you stopped by. I'm Merlin's best friend; I know everything." Merlin shook his head and proceeded to hang his head low while he pinched the bridge of his nose. This was not the time for this.

"Good for you," Arthur said, and then turned to Merlin to speak. "I thought we were just going to hang out." Merlin nodded because he really didn't know what else to do. "I don't do casual sex. I just saw your email and with our conversation - I figured it was my only chance to - nevermind."

"Chance for what?" Merlin said before Will could interject and ruin everything again.

"Well I took a chance and flirted with you and you were responsive so I just wanted to see where that goes."

"The flirting?" Merlin asked.


"And the sex?" Will said and Merlin rolled his eyes.

"Well that would come after," Arthur answered, looking at Merlin and ignoring Will.

Merlin smiled at Arthur and couldn't help as he bit his lower lip. "Will, you should go," he said, not taking his eyes off Arthur.

They stood there smiling at each other, Arthur with his hands in his pockets, and Merlin holding the beer. Will threw the neckerchief at Merlin and headed towards the door.

Before he could close the door, Will turned to say one last thing. "Arthur, make sure to ask him about his lace fetish." Then he slammed the door and Merlin groaned with frustration and embarrassment. "I don't know why I'm friends with him."

"For one thing..." Arthur drawled as he closed the distance between himself and Merlin. "He's working wonders for my sex life."

fandom: merlin, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: pg-13, community: tavern_tales, community: camelot_drabble

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