Tuesday Night - James Sirius/Scorpius

Nov 27, 2014 20:30

Title: Tuesday Night
Word Count: 530
Pairing: James Sirius/Scorpius (Hinted: Harry/Draco)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: UNBETAED
Created for: Written for kitty_fic for the ' guessing game' who requested James/Scorpius
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: This is a 'sequel' of sorts for WEDNESDAY MORNINGS - you might have to read one to understand the other.

Summary: Draco Malfoy wants to know what James's intentions are!

James was just about ready to turn in for the night when his Floo roared, startling him. He had no idea who it could have been. He'd been on edge all day since he was supposed to meet Scorpius Malfoy the next morning for his non-date, and this little surprise was not going to help him at all. He prayed that it wasn't someone annoying like his brother, Albus, or his sister, Lily. He was just not in the mood to deal with sibling drama.

"Potter, you around?"

James jolted at the surprisingly familiar voice of Draco Malfoy coming through his fireplace. Why was he calling on him? And at this late in the night?

He knelt down to poke his head through, hoping beyond all reason that he was mistaken, alas, he was not. "Mr Malfoy? How can I-?" James was not used to seeing his dad's Auror partner outside of family functions. He knew of the rumours that'd been floating around for ages, now, and he was did not want to dwell in that. It was one thing that they'd been so much in the news when his dad and mum had split, but then only to hear speculation that his dad was having an affair with a man, a man whose son James kind of liked-

"What are your intentions with my son?" Mr Malfoy asked, his voice, nothing shy of full-on intimidation and grimness.

"M- My intentions, sir?"

"Yes, I know you two are having coffee in the morning. I reckon it's a first date of sorts. I simply wish to know-"


James heard another familiar voice as Mr Malfoy turned to look at something behind him-something James was not able to see.

"Just because I told you- doesn't give you the right..." the voice continued.

"You are my son!" Mr Malfoy snapped.

"And it's just coffee!" Scorpius-James was safe enough to assume-said.

"Well, that's how it starts!" Mr Malfoy replied.

James groaned at the frustration of it all and couldn't really take it anymore. He had a strength exam the next day, not to mention, have said coffee with Scorpius Malfoy and he simply did not have the time for this.

"Mr Malfoy," James said, his voice equally intimidating and grim, or at least he tried.

Draco Malfoy turned to look into the Floo and met James eye-to-eye.

"What are your intentions with my dad?" James asked; really, he had no idea where that came from.

"I- What-" Mr Malfoy was almost stammering, and James couldn't believe it. Draco Malfoy was stammering...almost.

"It's just coffee, sir. And Scorpius asked me. Perhaps you should discuss with him, what his intentions are with me!" James nodded and didn't wait for Draco Malfoy to answer. He severed the Floo connection and stepped away from the fireplace.

The next morning when James awoke and headed to the shower to get ready for the day, he found an owl waiting for him. He fed the bird and sent it on its way before opening the letter it'd carried.

James didn't have to guess whom the letter was from; it only contained a one-line message.

Rather wicked, actually.

about: guessing games, pairing: james sirius/scorpius, recipient: kitty_fic, rating: pg-13, gift fic

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