Being Vulnerable - For Gracerene (Teddy/James)

Nov 19, 2014 01:22

Title: Being Vulnerable
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: ~300
Pairing: Teddy/James
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual Content
Created for: Gracerene's birthday. Because she's awesome and we love her.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: So this is that birthday thing I do where first letter of each sentence spells out the recipient's username. This one is of course: Gracerene - which, I'll tell ya, wasn't that easy to write.
Summary: “We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.” ― Frank Crane

"Go on.  What are you afraid of?" Teddy's soft voice echoed in the quiet room.  He was alone and in the dark with James, who was on his knees, looking up at Teddy.

"R-right," James stammered.  "What if you don't-"

"Abandoning a task mid-way? I didn't know Gryffindors did that," Teddy teased.  He was finally having one of his wildest dreams come true and there was no way he was going to let James back out now.

Candid and always a bit too bold, it was strange to see James be so vulnerable like this in front of Teddy.  "It's okay.  Come here," Teddy added and pulled James up off the floor.

Enveloping him in a deep kiss, Teddy guided James to the bed and plopped next to him. Next time, he reckoned.  He didn't want to push James too far.  His desires could wait.  He wanted James for more than just a one-off. So much more.

"Righteous and understanding," James said in a teasing voice, "Baby, I didn't realise Slytherins were like that." He pushed Teddy's body into the mattress and was back at his knees; this time, he didn't hesitate.

Each time James licked the head of Teddy's cock, Teddy couldn't help but moan, and his entire body shivered.  "Bastard, you were having me on," he finally managed to say.  "Acting like you were so fucking-" Teddy released another satisfying groan "Fuck, Jaime, right there. Right there!"

"Not so fast," James said, his tone a warning.  "I want you to come inside me."

Exerting all the self-control that Teddy had, he waited, and prepared James before pushing into him.  Then, he saw it again.  James's vulnerability.  It wasn't staged this time, and Teddy was nearly rendered speechless.  He spilled himself inside his lover, unable to hide his own.

gift fic, rating: r, pairing: teddy/james

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