FIC: Look At Me (James Sirius/Albus Severus)

Oct 07, 2014 12:41

Title: Look At Me
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Albus Severus (Background: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Hugo/OMC)
Word Count/Art Medium: 3,280
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Incest. Slight Albus/Hugo.
Disclaimer:Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: All my thanks to capitu for her help with this fic. Created for hp_drizzle 2014 fest & written for lumosed_quill’s birthday.

Summary: James is angry and Albus wants to know why. It also doesn't help James that they're both soaked and Albus's tight wet shirt is sticking to this skin.
James slammed the door behind him as he ran down the steps, through the sitting room where the entire Potter and Weasley family were gathered, and out the door of the Burrow.

"What's the matt-" he heard his dad call out when he had slammed another door behind him. He reckoned he was probably overreacting. He was twenty-four for Merlin's sake; he should not have been acting like a petulant child who couldn't get the sweets he wanted at Sugarplum's.

But that was the thing, he couldn't get the sweet thing he wanted and he was acting like he was just so heartbroken was because, he was.

He'd walked in on Albus kissing Hugo. His brother. Kissing. His cousin. Albus had his hand snaked around Hugo's neck and it looked like Hugo was trembling. Well, if James were kissing Albus, he'd be trembling, too.

Just as his luck would have it, it started to pour the moment James arrived at his grandmother's garden, but he did not stop. He was not going to go back. Not now when he was fuming, feeling betrayed and heartbroken.


James irritated himself. He'd been in love with Albus since before he could remember. In love with his brother like some little perv. He knew he was fascinated with Al, and was always keeping an eye on him but he also couldn't deny to himself that when he touched himself, it was Albus's hands he imagined on his cock and it was Albus's name he whispered when he came.


James could tell that Albus was five feet behind him, but he didn't turn to look. He kept walking through the garden towards the shed for shelter. He was not going to try to come up with an excuse about why he was so raging out in the rain.

All he wanted to do was turn around and look at Albus and his body wet in the water. Al was wearing a white shirt that day and James just knew how it was going to cling to Albus's body and how he was going to get hard, and how James was going to hate himself. More than he already did.

"James Sirius Potter, I command you to stop walking right now!" Albus roared and James snorted as he picked up the pace. He was almost at the shed. Albus had this annoying habit of calling out James's full name when he couldn't get what he wanted. Like, he was mum or something. And that James would succumb to his wishes, which he would, of course.

Not today!

Today, James was going to hide himself in the shed. Yell at Albus for kissing his cousin and demand him to leave James alone or he'd tell mum and dad.

As soon as James arrived at the shed and placed his hand on the doorknob, Albus grabbed his wrist and forced James to face him. "What the fuck is the matter with you?" Albus shouted over the thunderous rainfall and the roaring beat of James's heartbeat.

"I don't have a problem. I want to be alone right now, Al."

James yanked his hand away from Albus, the touch of his skin on James's was too much, and he averted his gaze away from Albus's body. He was right. The white shirt was clinging onto his brother's chest and he could see Albus's dark nipples peeking out.

Gods! James was going to tug on his own nipples tonight imagining them to be Albus's as he fucked his hand. He wished he could just Apparate at that moment, go back to his flat, and get started. Or he could go to a Muggle pub and find someone else that looked like Albus and fuck that bloke's mouth.

So many good ideas. Ideas that took James away from the reality and into his fantasyland where a bloke with shaggy black hair and green eyes wanted to fuck him, too, and who did not care that it was wrong. So wrong!

"It's fucking freezing!" Albus said and opened the door to the shed. "Let's get inside."

James thought about running back to the Burrow and realised that then he really would have to explain to why he was being so dramatic. So he followed Albus into the shed and closed the door behind them.

"Put a warming spell around the place," Albus demanded.

"I don't have my wand," James answered.

"Shite. Me neither," Albus said shaking his head. "I fucking came running after you and I-"

"No one asked you to do that," James spat.

"I had to. You took what you saw the wrong way and-and-"

James raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"I really didn't think you'd get this upset. I didn't think you cared-never mind."

"Cared? Cared about what?" James asked, confused. Could this be happening? Did Albus want the same things as him? No, it couldn't be possible. But, why would James take what he saw the wrong way? Albus was twenty-one, Hugo was seventeen, and they were snogging. There's no other way to take that. Now James only wondered how long had this been going on?

"I didn't think you cared about who I kissed."

"Why would I care about who you kiss?" James tried to sound repulsed. Of course, he cared. He wanted Albus to kiss him. Only him.

"So why are you so cross that you saw me and Hugo-"

"Because he's our cousin. He's family! You don't just go around kissing boys in our family, Albus!"

"Believe me, I know," Albus answered dryly. "It's not like that. I didn't want to kiss him. He said he wanted to try it with me. He liked a bloke at Hogwarts but he never did anything with him. He's never kissed another boy before, and he wanted to know if he was any good. If he could practice. I told him it was stupid, of course, but you know how he is. He got these puppy dog eyes and his self-esteem has always been shit, so I thought..." Albus sighed and then shivered.

It was cold in the shed. Albus removed his wet white shirt that clung to his body and twisted it to squeeze the water out, then he ran the shirt through his hair. James was having trouble breathing. Albus's jeans hung low on his hips and he could see the little fuzz of hair on Albus's stomach that trailed down to- Great, now James was getting hard and it would be obvious through his own wet khakis.

"So," Albus said, yanking James out of his own lustful thoughts and continuing on with the story like nothing had happened. "I made him tell me all about the boy he liked, and then I told him he could kiss me and I'd give him my real evaluation of it."

"Why did he ask you?"

"Because you probably would have freaked out and said no. Then freaked out again and told his parents," Albus said rather matter-of-factly.

"I didn't say why he didn't ask me! Doesn't he have other gay friends he could ask? Why did he have to ask you?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't care!" James roared and then they were back to the same song and dance. He sighed and removed his own shirt too. He was bloody freezing and both of them were pants at wandless magic. If Lily were there, she could have come to the rescue.

James caught Albus looking up and down his torso and raised an eyebrow again. Even if he was desperately attracted to Albus, he still was his older brother, and that meant something when it came to intimidation.

Albus cleared his throat and walked away. "Here, I think there's some blankets in here. Last time we had a picnic, Rose said that Aunt Hermione stows them here because she didn't want to bring the pollen from the garden into the house."

"Okay," James answered and followed Albus towards the corner of the shed.

Albus bent to pull down his jeans and now it was over. James was going to die. He did not want to see his brother in wet pants, his jeans wrapped around his ankles, as they both stood alone in the cold shed.

"I'll just Disapparate..." he mumbled, completely forgetting that he didn't have his wand.

"Don't be stupid, Jamie. You know there's an anti-Disapparition jinx on the shed. Aunt Hermione placed them after the last time some kids had broken into the shed and stole the brooms and besides, you don't have your wand."

"Fuck, I forgot. Don't call me stup-" James turned to scowl at Albus again who looked like he had been stunned silent. He followed Albus's gaze and realised that it was on James's cock. His very hard cock that was causing his wet trousers to tent.

"You're..." Albus whispered, like he was struggling for his words. "You're hard, Jamie."

"Al..." James tried to cover his erection with the shirt he'd been holding in his hand. "Don't look..."

"Why are you hard?" Albus looked up at James, wide-eyed, like he couldn't even understand what was going on.

James had no idea what the fuck was going on with him.


"You make me hard, too," Albus offered and then he pulled his boxers down. James had been good so far as to avoid gazing over at Albus's groin area but now he couldn't help himself.

Albus stepped out of his shoes, removed his socks, his jeans, and his boxers and stood stark naked in front of James. He was hard. His prick was almost saluting James as it curved slightly to the right. It looked just like James's, if not a bit pinker.

James heard himself gulp and then he licked his lips, unable to look away. "Albus..."

"Jamie..." Albus whispered and James didn't realise how or when it happened but he had grabbed James's hand, his shirt had fallen on the floor, and then he was touching Albus's cock.

James just stared, unable to move, his body or his hand and just stared.

"Touch me," Albus said and he started to unbuckle James's belt.

"This is wrong, Albus."

"Is it, though?" Albus asked and pushed James's trousers down all the way to the floor. He patted James's right leg and like clockwork, James lifted his leg and stepped out of his trousers, then he followed suit with the other leg.

Albus stood up in front of James again and they stayed there face to face, almost the same height, and James whimpered when their erections brushed together. Fucking whimpered.

"Is it wrong that I think about kissing you all the time, Jamie?" Albus leaned in and whispered in James's ear. His grabbed his erection in one hand then deliberately brushed it against James's cock. "Is it wrong that all I want to do is rub our pricks together and watch your face as you come, Jamie?"

James closed his eyes and his head tilted back as he enjoyed the sensation of something that he'd wanted for so long-for as long as he could remember. Albus wanted it, too. With everything that he was saying, James couldn't believe it, Albus wanted him.

"Look at me," Albus said and James opened his eyes again.

Albus kissed James lightly, brushing his tongue on James's lower lip and then sucking on it. James parted his lips to allow Albus's tongue to enter and then everything started to move fast. The kiss became needy and desperate and then Albus sped up the movement of his wrist and James pulled Albus close to him, his hands grabbing and squeezing Albus's arse.

Yes. Yes. Yes. He moaned into Albus's mouth and when James released Albus's tongue, Albus started to suck on James's neck, gentle bites at first, and then that, too, turned needy and hot.

Then James was coming, spilling himself on Albus's hand and stomach and Albus followed shortly after.

When they finished panting and caught their breath, James looked down at the mess and realised that they'd been idiots. They couldn't even manage a Scourgify without a wand.

"I'll use my shirt," Albus said, as if he'd read James's mind.

"Okay, good idea," James answered and he stood there awkwardly as Albus got to his knees and thoroughly cleaned James's stomach, his thigh, and one of his legs. James saw Albus lick his finger as he had got some of James's spunk on his hand. If that wasn't the hottest thing James had ever seen...

"Fuck, Al..." James moaned and his cock twitched again as if it was soon going to be ready for a second round.

Albus cleaned himself up next and then just stood there awkwardly. All James wanted was to grab his brother, hold him tightly, and tell him it was going to be okay. James would make everything okay.

"Did you-" Albus hesitated. "Did you like it?"

James looked into Albus's eyes and saw the uncertainty in his little brother. At that moment, Albus looked so young, so innocent, like he was just waiting for his big brother's approval. And James was going to give it to him.

James did finally pull Albus close to him and softly nipped on Albus's ear before whispering into it. "You know I love it when you call me Jamie," James said. With one swift move, he turned Albus around him and his cock pressed in between Albus's arse cheeks. Albus clenched his arse and James was going wild with arousal. "I want to hear you say my name when I'm fucking you, Al."

Albus groaned and his head dropped as he pushed back into James's groin.

"You want that, Albus?"

"Yes, Jamie," Albus moaned and turned his head so they were kissing again.

James pushed Albus against the shed wall and dropped to his knees. Along the way, he licked down Albus's spine until he reached Albus's entrance and he pushed his tongue in.

They didn't have a wand, they didn't have lube, and they weren't prepared at all for this, but that wasn't going to stop James. He'd wanted this, and he was going to get it. He heard Albus gasp as James lightly licked Albus's hole and then pushed his tongue in deeper.

"Jamie!" Albus whispered and pushed back on James's tongue.

James smiled and did it again, and again, and again, until Albus's entrance was dripping and James was sure that he was almost ready. He stood up and pushed a finger inside Albus, and Albus's hole clenched tightly around James's finger.

"Relax baby brother, I'll make it so good for you," James whispered in Albus's ear and this time, it was Albus who whimpered and James nearly came undone right then and there.

They moved that way for a while, James fucked Albus with two, then three fingers, and his other hand was wrapped around Albus's cock, stroking him.

"Now, Jamie! Put it in me now, please!"

"Needy little bastard aren't you, baby brother?" James teased and Albus snapped his head and gave James a dirty look. "Okay, okay. I'll fuck you now, if that's what you really want."

James lined his cock with Albus's entrance and pushed in swiftly and Albus made a sound that James had never heard him make. He liked it, so he pulled out and did it again.

"Jamie! Jamie! Jamie! So good!" Albus was chanting over and over again as James thrust in and out of him, his lunges were stronger and needier and the more Albus begged for it, the more James wanted to deliver.

James pushed himself away from Albus for a moment as he watched his brother's body take his cock whole. He pulled out and pushed back in over and over again, watching himself, and he couldn't' believe that this was happening. His every desire to be with Albus was coming true, and James's heart swelled up; he wanted to cry.

Fuck, did he love Albus! He loved him so damn much and he couldn't believe it.

Albus cried out his orgasm and James finally realised that his brother was loud and theatrical about everything he did. Even fucking. And James loved it.

Albus egged James on as he continued to thrust into him until he was about to come. At first he tried to push himself off and come on his hand, but Albus grabbed James's hips, holding him in place.

"Don't you fucking dare, Jamie," Albus said as he pushed back into James. "I want to feel you coming inside me." James groaned, feeling Albus tight around him, until he finally spilled himself inside Albus.

"I am, you greedy bastard. Need to have your own way all the time, don't you?" James joked.

"Not all the time," Albus answered when James had finally pulled out and Albus has grabbed his wet shirt again to clean themselves off for the second time. "If I had my way, I would have started riding your cock since sixth-year."

"What?" James asked shockingly and tried to put his wet clothes back on. They had to leave the shed before others came looking for them.

"I've wanted you for a long time, Jamie. I don't think I've ever wanted to be with anyone as much I wanted to be with you."

"You have?" James asked; he was truly stunned.

"Yeah. I thought you knew. I thought you kept your distance, especially these last few years, because it made you feel awkward or disgusted-"

James pulled Albus into a hug again and his lips brushed Albus's forehead. "I could never be disgusted with you, Al," he said. "Never."

They made their way out of the shed and took their time walking through the garden to the Burrow. They held hands for a while and Albus was shirtless as he tried to let the rain water wash away the remnants of their illicit act.

When they entered the house, everyone looked at them worriedly, and Lily grabbed her wand and spelled them dry. "You two are too much sometimes," she scolded them and James allowed his little sister to continue with her rant.

A hot cup of cocoa and evading a million questions later, James announced that he was going upstairs to take a nap. He entered his Uncle Ron's former bedroom and stripped down. Albus, as he'd predicted, joined him ten minutes later. James quickly grabbed his wand, locked the door, and placed a Silencing Charm.

Albus stood by the door, looking uncharacteristically sheepish. James thought he would have taken the first opportunity to jump into bed with him but realised that his younger brother was waiting for an invitation. No matter how confident Albus always seemed to the world, James knew that his younger brother was always looking for his approval, regardless of the task.

James rested on his side as he gave his brother a once over. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he asked.

Albus shrugged in response.

James bit his lower lip, his lust for Albus was consuming him, and this time he didn't stop himself. He yanked the blankets off him, displaying his erection to Albus. "Come here," he said huskily. "Don't make me wait... Please." James's sentiments were true; he really was begging his brother to join him in bed.

Albus walked over and undressed before climbing into bed with James. He rested his head on James's chest and mumbled into James's skin. "Don't let me go, James. Don't ever let me go."

"Look at me," James said. "I won't," he promised, and then they fell asleep holding each other.

Friends. Lovers. Brothers.


pairing: albus/james, rating: nc-17, community: hp_drizzle

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