Character type Secondary...ish antagonist? He gets a decent amount of attention, but he's far from being the main villain. And is considered an Ensemble Darkhorse.
D-Comm colours/symbol- Black and gray, marked with a white lion skull.
Imported from another RP?- No. Though the account in question is also used on therepoman - it has a networking section, so the journal itself is free as a bird.
Arrest this man. (Part 3)thepiisatruthJune 8 2009, 22:53:21 UTC
One day, a teenage boy named Neku Sakuraba was standing before a mural in the Udagawa district when another boy, this one frantic-looking and carrying a gun, ran past, stopping in front of him, aiming his weapon, and firing
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He talks in maths. (Part 4)thepiisatruthJune 8 2009, 22:53:59 UTC
He was planning to confront the Composer yet again, and this time, he would use the most devastating attack in his inventory on him. A one-use suicide one. He had that covered as well; Hanekoma had taught him how to create not only Taboo Noise but something called a Taboo Noise Refinery Sigil - which, if constructed correctly, he could use to revive himself from erasure as a Taboo himself, making him more powerful than ever
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Character level- Ultimate (Perfect by this RPs standards for the moment.)
Character history- Black WarGreymon isn't a natural born Digimon. On the contrary, he's one of the few Digimon that was created. Soon after Ken Ichijouji retired the Digimon Kaiser identity and joined the new Chosen Children in rescuing the Digital World, Arukenimon took over his mission. After an attempt to kill the Chosen Children lead to the Jogressing of Paildramon, Arukenimon took it hard and began plotting her revenge. To do so, she gathered a hundred Dark Towers and using her Spirit Needle technique,
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BlackWarGreymon App 2/?yami_no_yuushaJune 9 2009, 00:39:57 UTC
When Black WarGreymon destroyed the second Holy Stone, an immediate effect could be felt when a number of Digimon appeared in Kyoto over in the real world, forcing Miyako and Ken to stop them. Upon destroying the third stone, BlackWarGreymon saw a mysterious image: that of Qinglongmon. Feeling his immense power, he came to the conclusion that he was his true opponent and vowed to destroy the other Holy Stones to draw him out. When the Chosen Children beat him to the fourth Holy Stone, BlackWarGreymon fought them off, fighting the restored HolyAngemon to a standstill, only for BlackWarGreymon to destroy it nonetheless. Even an attempt to hide the fifth Holy Stone proved fruitless as BlackWarGreymon found and destroyed it. The Chosen Children would encounter him again, backed by Jyou's Ikkakumon and an army of sea-based Digimon. Even they were beaten back, but Iori stood his ground, demanding to know why BlackWarGreymon wanted to destroy everything, even though he had a soul. The Ultimate hesitated at Iori's actions, only to shrug them
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BlackWarGreymon App 3/3yami_no_yuushaJune 9 2009, 00:40:16 UTC
Character personality- BlackWarGreymon is a tortured soul. Having been created by the power of 100 Dark Towers, the existance of a soul has utterly confused him and left him wandering as to what his true purpose. Thus, he's prone to trying to find what purpose he may have within the world and try to fill that void left in his heart and soul. This has lead him to fight other Digimon, destroy the Holy Stones and, finally, trying to kill Oikawa and end his own existance.
At the same time, having being talked to by Wormon, V-Mon and Agumon has allowed him to see that he can live life to the fullest, though his death didn't allow him to enjoy that little bit of happiness, but allowed him to see why Oikawa was doing what he was doing.
All in all, BlackWarGreymon is just one big jumbled mess.
Character type- (is your character a secondary, main, or background character? If this doesn't fully apply or you are unsure, please try to specify how much your canon focuses on them in a story sense.) Secondary at best. He's the focus for a handful
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Be prepared for the murkiest scamneverlolscatJune 10 2009, 00:33:07 UTC
Character history-Once upon a time in a forest in the UK there were five clans of cats that lived in relative peace. While there was the occasional scuffle over territory they were prosperous and well off
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Meticulous planning, tenacity spanningneverlolscatJune 10 2009, 00:34:51 UTC
As the book continued a kittypet named Rusty was brought into the clan and made a member known as Firepaw. Tigerclaw disliked Firepaw from day one, finding the idea that a kittypet could be a warrior insulting. Worse yet he and a clan apprentice Greypaw were friendly with Ravenpaw. Fearing that Ravenpaw may tell them, Tigerstar began to actively plot his apprentice Ravenpaw's death
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Decades of denial , is simply why I'llneverlolscatJune 10 2009, 00:35:53 UTC
The plan is derailed by Fireheart and the clan cats who lead the dogs to a cliff. Just as Fireheart is about to escape Tigerstar attacks him pnning him down long enough that as he darted up a tree Fireheart would be doomed to the dogs teeth. Just before his death though Bluestar threw herself at the dog knocking it off a cliff and being pulled along after it
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Here Comes Trouble!; 1/?minearebiggerJune 10 2009, 17:08:59 UTC
Name- Waffles
LJ- muse-lightning
Email address-
AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- Ask first.
Character, series- ‘Shotgun’ Turk, Final Fantasy 7:Before Crisis. Her fandom given name is usually agreed on as Sabine, but she currently goes by Mika, neither of which is her real name.
Character journal- sh0tgun-turk
Character type- Background-She’s a playable character in the Japanese-only cell phone game, but the game does not revolve around her, nor does she have a name unless the player gives her one.
Imported from another RP?- Yes and no-She was fleshed out mostly in a private Roleplay and occasionally trolled cpslk_drssng so some of her personality but as for people she knows that will not move from out
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I'm blaming this all on Reno =/; 2/?minearebiggerJune 10 2009, 17:10:35 UTC
Character appearance-First thing is first: The suit. Despite spending several years out of it in favor of more civilian clothing after she left the company with Veld and the others she feels back at home in a white dress shirt, black slacks, blazer and tie with shoes shined to perfection. (Ok she cheated, they're corfams.) She has a light brown eyes and a high, angular face that makes it hard to determine her age. Mika stands a little above average height for her age and uses that to her advantage as much as possible, along with having a very athletic body. She's strongest in her upper body strength and arms, and considering her third-level weapon is the Canon Gun she would have to be. It's not the brute strength one gets from being modified like ShinRa's former SOLDIER's, though, but years and years of training and maintaining, even away from the company. The only other two things you really notice other than that is her hair, dark nondescript brown...well, there happens to be a lot of it. Mostly it's pulled into a high ponytail that
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No Seriously, I'm in English class right now xD; 3/?minearebiggerJune 10 2009, 17:13:06 UTC
Character history-Born to a wealthy family in the wealthy area of Mideel, Miyoko was of course, the problem child. She got into trouble, fought with the other rich kids, acted like a tomboy, and generally horrified her parents with her behavior. In their eyes, the perfect daughter would have been one who was sweet, kind, of average intelligence, and who got some wishy-washy arts degree at an academy then was married off
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idek anymore; 4/?minearebiggerJune 10 2009, 17:14:40 UTC
History Cont.:And because mun is lazy, Before Crisis happens here. Rufus ShinRa uses AVALANCHE to try and destroy his father’s company, pins in on the Turks’ Leader Veld/Verdot, and they attempt to go after the ecoterriorists only to find that GASP! Elfe is his long lost supposed to be dead daughter! Small world. After much fighting and manipulation on Rufus’ part, three /fourth’s of the Turks say fuck it and walk, leaving Tseng, Rude, and Reno behind to take care of things while they went into hiding. When some seventeen year old brat started putting the fall of the company you work for on your head, it was pretty safe to say that you were no longer invaluable to the company, no matter how much of a good job they do
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Comments 1482
LJ- scytheweasel
Email address-
AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- N/A for simplicity's sake right now. *headdesk*
Character, series- Sho Minamimoto, The World Ends With You.
Character journal- thepiisatruth
Character type Secondary...ish antagonist? He gets a decent amount of attention, but he's far from being the main villain. And is considered an Ensemble Darkhorse.
Digimon partner-
BlackPopomon -> BlackFrimon -> BlackLeormon -> Lowemon -> KaiserLeomon -> AncientSphinxmon
D-Comm colours/symbol- Black and gray, marked with a white lion skull.
Imported from another RP?- No. Though the account in question is also used on therepoman - it has a networking section, so the journal itself is free as a bird.
Character appearance- YOU KNOW YOU'D PEMD THIS AS.
Character age- 18
LJ- ashs_stash
Email address- ashura.blaze (at)
AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- HyprKnux1
Character, series-Black WarGreymon, Digimon Adventure 02
Character journal-
D-Reader colours/symbol- Black and Gray
Imported from another RP?- No
Character appearance-
Character level- Ultimate (Perfect by this RPs standards for the moment.)
Character history- Black WarGreymon isn't a natural born Digimon. On the contrary, he's one of the few Digimon that was created. Soon after Ken Ichijouji retired the Digimon Kaiser identity and joined the new Chosen Children in rescuing the Digital World, Arukenimon took over his mission. After an attempt to kill the Chosen Children lead to the Jogressing of Paildramon, Arukenimon took it hard and began plotting her revenge. To do so, she gathered a hundred Dark Towers and using her Spirit Needle technique, ( ... )
At the same time, having being talked to by Wormon, V-Mon and Agumon has allowed him to see that he can live life to the fullest, though his death didn't allow him to enjoy that little bit of happiness, but allowed him to see why Oikawa was doing what he was doing.
All in all, BlackWarGreymon is just one big jumbled mess.
Character type- (is your character a secondary, main, or background character? If this doesn't fully apply or you are unsure, please try to specify how much your canon focuses on them in a story sense.) Secondary at best. He's the focus for a handful ( ... )
LJ- Alanddizzy
Email address-
AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- Ibechibb
Character, series- Tigerstar, warriors
Character journal- neverlolscat
Character type- One of the main villains
Digimon partner- Black tailmon, Black Liomon, Grappleomon
D-Comm colours/symbol- Black with
( ... )
Character history-Once upon a time in a forest in the UK there were five clans of cats that lived in relative peace. While there was the occasional scuffle over territory they were prosperous and well off ( ... )
School's out. So...I'm asking to reserve Grell Sutcliffe from Kuroshitusji, partner unknown (because right now I can't remeber what I picked).
LJ- muse-lightning
Email address-
AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- Ask first.
Character, series- ‘Shotgun’ Turk, Final Fantasy 7:Before Crisis. Her fandom given name is usually agreed on as Sabine, but she currently goes by Mika, neither of which is her real name.
Character journal- sh0tgun-turk
Character type- Background-She’s a playable character in the Japanese-only cell phone game, but the game does not revolve around her, nor does she have a name unless the player gives her one.
Digimon partner-
Impmon => Witchmon => LadyDevimon => Lotusmon
D-Comm colours/symbol- Dark Blue and black, with this symbol
Imported from another RP?- Yes and no-She was fleshed out mostly in a private Roleplay and occasionally trolled cpslk_drssng so some of her personality but as for people she knows that will not move from out ( ... )
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