beware the following post does not make use of punctuation or grammar nor full stops. or commas.
saw strapping young lad on friday night. white people as far as the eye could see. they had Blame Canada playing before they started. heh.
i can't remember much about the rest of the night. just that after the show i got a life from a guy called Darren (whose name i kept forgetting and i feel so bad :( ) who is in a band called Further back Kate and Annas (and Jess'!) and then a girl called alysha whom i remember but didnt and Cade and me took a taxi to blink but on the way up the footpath walked into a porn shop not too sure why i think i was looking for thigh-high stockings.
go to blink. dont remember much else cept that i danced a crapload and the only drink i bought was for Cade coz he paid for the taxi -- which was like only 9$ or something. fack man if only i'd known that for the countless other times me + others had walked/staggered 45mins back from kings x to kates place.
luke (not jess' luke he'd gone with christine already) met us as we were leaving around getting-kicked-out time i can't remember what happened to him after the pies. luke, what happened? where did you go?
crashed on the star glitter COVERED floor and woke up to find my ravioli from lunch again - in the kitchen sink. cleaned up, went to car and put on towel pants, crashed again. woke up with a start, fearing it was like four pm. was only 10:30 rounded up matt and anna went to glebe markets. i bought the most awesome watch for $18! it has a black face with a skull on it and for hands it has BONES! yay! if i had some place to upload the photo to i would show it off.
i also bought a skirt by
Prima Materia but it wasn't my size so she took my measurements and told it'd be ready next week i said well i can't be here next week i work saturdays she said okay i'll post it to you and so i gave her my address and she said hey mum lives on your street in the house i grew up in i live in lapstone and i'm like wow that fucking rawks and she was like okay well next week you can pick it up from my mums place. then i said for sure i'll see you then.
good ay.
then as we were about to head back i get a msg from my cousins from pyrmont they were on their way to central to get a train to my place and i'm like fk dat! so i went to pick em up took forever to get home SO much traffic on paramatta road and did the rounds that day. i was so fkkn tired it was ridiculous. got home finally sat on couch for not half an hour myk rings i pick him up from station at 6ish then go home shower (finally) eat something at last go to video shop then to myks place chatted to family watching them try to touch their toes. i can't believe how completely inflexible they all are. i fell asleep b4 i could watch any movies. so i shall do so today... at some stage.
my back is killing me i musta slept on it wrong.
i will have
these in my possession shortly :D