Title: The Ultimate Choice Series: Post Adventure Pairings: suggestive taito Rating: PG13 Word count: 225 Topic: Sacrifice Warnings: Mild sexual content, death, a real tear-jerker Authors: ryosato and codename_windy
Mwahahaha, good old Taichi, that boy knows how to manipulate any situation to his advantage. Fabulously funny, and my brain is going to all sorts of wonderful places, with Yamato catching sight of the rather terrifying weapons they're planning to use on him, turning to Taichi in a panic, Taichi giving him the patented Taichi-I'mAGonnaGetLaid-smirk, and then some deliciously frantic fumbling, and...
Sorry, got distracted there. But yay for jointly written drabbles! *rushes off to finish ridiculously long Taito fic*
*snickers* Was the title intended to sound like The Ultimate Clash, the big culmination of all the Tai/Yama bitchfights?
The only tears you jerked out of me are tears of laughter. Taichi and Yamato are great friends. You know you're true friends when you're about to die and you can still make each other's lives hell. This is great.
Comments 7
Sorry, got distracted there. But yay for jointly written drabbles! *rushes off to finish ridiculously long Taito fic*
“I think I’d rather burn at the stake, thanks.” Yay, snark is love.
Funny... I was just listening to Hard Rock Hallelujah too.
The only tears you jerked out of me are tears of laughter. Taichi and Yamato are great friends. You know you're true friends when you're about to die and you can still make each other's lives hell. This is great.
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