Title: Absent
Series: 02
Characters: Hikari and Taichi, but in a sibling-only way, not a coupling way. x.x; - also some light shonen-ai and shojo-ai hints for other couplings.
Rating: Um... G?
Word Count: 299
Topic: Lost
She couldn't pretend that she hadn't felt betrayed. )
Comments 7
As for Taichi... tsk tsk, I do believe it's somewhat bad manners to check your cel-phone messages in the middle of a date. *shakes head*. Of course, good manners were never exactly Taichi's strong point, sooo... XP
I do think the drabble is good. Very in-character and I like how you added all those little elements and references into it, especially the actual episode references. That makes it seem really believable. I just personally can't really identify... never had a big brother, so I'm not the best to say how complex-like Hikari is being. XP
I really liked this drabble, it was so full of feelings, all different kinds, just so much fitted in to such a small number of words and I always envy people who can do that and you do it SO WELL! I feel bad for Hikari although, you know, Taichi has a life to lead too, you know *pokes her* But she's silly, of course he'll always be there for you! That's what we do!
I got kind of lost in the "that person"'s -- Me: ??? Taichi's dating... Yamato and Hikari has a crush on him? No, wait... Yamato's dating Sora? No, Taichi's dating Sora? @_@ But then I read the note and figured it out. =)
(Is anyone else getting flashes of episode 13? Takeru: Taichi, Taichi! You don't always have to go to him!)
I had that reaction too until I read ryosato's explanations.
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