I don't know how many members here actively follow the Harry Potter fandom, but
dreaminoflorien is currently
requesting fic recs from anyone and everyone so that she can create a comprehensive list for
hpficmasterlist. This got me thinking about the similar listing communties
dcfic_index and
marvelfic_index, which list all the DC and Marvel related fic on LiveJournal. I've had a poke around, but I can't find anything similar for Digimon, besides people's personal rec lists.
I think one of the hardest things about following the Digimon fandom is the way it fluctuates. It's been around for a long time now, and the canon has been known to die for the longest time before suddenly rising from the ashes with a whole new Universe to explore. New people are coming in all the time, older members are falling out.
I, personally, didn't touch a Digimon site for several years, then found myself drawn back in, like I'd been accosted by an old friend with come-to-bed eyes. The most frustrating thing about this was finding myself desperately searching for the old fic I loved, much of which has since vanished. I wasn't even aware of LiveJournal back then, I have no idea if it even existed, so my main sources for fic were The Pit Of Voles and the more popular personal sites.
I'm certain you can imagine where I'm taking this. Would some sort of listing community even be feasible in this fandom? It would be a huge project, and no doubt require a lot of participation from the fandom, with pimping and reccing galore. If it was something that could be done, which route might be better to choose? For example,
dcfic_index's way of listing fics posted on LJ in the community memories, or
dcu_slash_index's way of making posts for a pairing (which could be adapted to character or any other option) and constantly updating the posts with links to author's websites, meaning the list isn't limited to LJ, but requires more complex maintenance? Personally, I don't know how comfortable I'd be only linking to fics that got the required number of votes, but choosing to link to every fic available would take a long time. Would there need to be separate communties for Adventure and Tamers and Frontier and co.? It would definitely be something that required multiple maintainers, perhaps using a sockpuppet account that various people had access to.
I'm simply throwing the idea out there for now, no commitment on my part, or on anybody else's, to create anything. I just wanted to hear people's thoughts. I think the main questions I'm asking, amid my rambling, are whether such a project is possible, and whether it's a good idea? All thoughts and comments appreciated.