Congrats! I've got enough college experience behind me to recognize what an awesome achievement that is. How manyncreditsmmore do you need to finish up the criminal justice program? That's what you're studying, yes? (and suits? Don't forget NCIS, please....)
Actually, I just changed my major to Science... I can't really do anything in criminal justice with my background now, so I'm going in to Meteorology. Well, atmospheric engineering, but it's basically the same thing.
I need to get some credits transfered from the other college I went to, but if I take spring and summer courses then I'll be a sophomore by the time the fall comes.
I shall not even glance at the Suits eps I downloaded that magically appeared on my hard drive until you write me some NCIS pr0n!
Then again, with all the Tiva-ish spoilers lately, chances are I'll run screaming from the show anyway. *frowns*
But! We'll need more Tibbs fic than ever to counterpoint the crap they might throw at us! And how can The Silver Fox and The Italian Stallion not inspire you?! (canon aside)
I think if I were to venture away from my guys, I'd look at White Collar fic (because, ZOMG, Neal is perfect sub/slave material! *drools*) if only Tim deKay would do it for me. Matt Bromer? I'd be all over him. *pets Teh Purty* But I need both guys to do it for me on a visual level, so... *helpless shrug* (Which would mean I should be happy with Supernatural, right? Cuz yummy guys. But...eww, incest! More power to the people who dig it, but it's a major squick for me, so... SIGH!)
Um, me rambling. Me better go do something constructive instead. Never mind. Carry on. *embarrassed grin*
I've been playing around with a crossover, ok? Hell, I had a Tony/Harvey commission done, cute stuff... But you know just as well as I do that it's up to the muses, and mine have been MIA.
You seem like you're in a good mood, babbling plenty already!
Comments 54
I need to get some credits transfered from the other college I went to, but if I take spring and summer courses then I'll be a sophomore by the time the fall comes.
(...and now celebrate by writing some pr0ny smex!)
We'll see about the pr0ny times. Been more inspired by suits than ncis lately
I shall not even glance at the Suits eps I downloaded that magically appeared on my hard drive until you write me some NCIS pr0n!
Then again, with all the Tiva-ish spoilers lately, chances are I'll run screaming from the show anyway. *frowns*
But! We'll need more Tibbs fic than ever to counterpoint the crap they might throw at us! And how can The Silver Fox and The Italian Stallion not inspire you?! (canon aside)
I think if I were to venture away from my guys, I'd look at White Collar fic (because, ZOMG, Neal is perfect sub/slave material! *drools*) if only Tim deKay would do it for me. Matt Bromer? I'd be all over him. *pets Teh Purty* But I need both guys to do it for me on a visual level, so... *helpless shrug* (Which would mean I should be happy with Supernatural, right? Cuz yummy guys. But...eww, incest! More power to the people who dig it, but it's a major squick for me, so... SIGH!)
Um, me rambling. Me better go do something constructive instead. Never mind. Carry on. *embarrassed grin*
You seem like you're in a good mood, babbling plenty already!
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