AFT TW: Torchwood, the band (Part 1/2) after the fanfiction "Music and Monsters" by Eagleoftheninth

Mar 09, 2013 10:30

A while ago I read this wonderful fanfiction by eagleoftheninth where she retold the whole season 1 of "Torchwood" in a way that made totally sense, and she managed to work in a lot of small details. Go read it here: Music and Monsters by eagleoftheninth

So I could not resist making an action figure story out of it, with her permission of course. The lines between the pictures are exact quotes from the story. There is even a video among the pictures this time - I am upgrading! This is only part 1/2 so there will be more for the last chapter of the story. Enjoy!


And then the MC shouted “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Torchwood!” The curtain rose. The crowd screamed - For us!. Gwen marvelled, dizzy with it for a second-as Jack raised his arms in appreciation, basking in the applause. Jack and his ego. Then Owen began to lay down a rhythm, Tosh followed him with a sweet electricky keyboard chiming, and Gwen let a grin split her face as she and her guitar chimed in with the lick that began Everything Changes.

Ianto might be terminally eccentric, with his suits, his non-sequiturs, his coffee fixation and his stuffed pterodactyl. (Its name was Myfanwy, apparently, and it served as the band’s mascot.) But he could make that sax of his weep like an angel on a Saturday night, tired of being good all week and hoping for a beer. And he was no small talent as a songwriter, either.

Owen’s drumming rumbled down into your bones and pulsed inside your spine.

Video of Owen drumming:

Tosh’s keyboard stylings were as perfect and delicate as silicon chips.

And Jack - Jack had a voice as rich as Ianto’s coffee, full of passion and insinuation, and a smile and a wink that was pure showman.

Sometimes Gwen felt a bit intimidated by how good they all were. But jamming with them...well, it had really inspired her to push herself. And now her guitar-playing shone as never before.

Tosh began to pick out one last tune. Owen picked up the beat, Gwen the melody, and Jack whooped with delight and began to sing: “Come out, Ianto, don’t let me wait! You Catholic boys start much too late, but sooner or later it comes down to fate. I might as well be the one...”

The audience screamed again at the Torchwood finale. And Torchwood rocked.

Continued in Torchwood as a band part 2/2

Masterlist of all Torchwood stories:

Masterlist of all Doctor Who stories:

Tweeted at 10th February, 2013

fic, action figures - torchwood

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