It's been three years since my first Christmas decorations post but I have gotten lots of new things since, so here is an update. Click the link to read some explanations though which I won't repeat this time.
The little house and the parcel can be lightened up:
One day I am going to use this oven in an action figure theatre scene:
The candles in the background also lighten up and flicker like real candles:
The little festive cable car is a gift from cowgrrl!
Obviously, I love moose and reindeers:
It's funny how I came to buy this music box. It's all John Barrowman's fault ;) He was in a QVC show to sell his HIM skin care (highly recommended by the way) and as he always does, sneaked into other scenes and they had these three lovely music boxes where he sang along with all the Christmas songs. I couldn't decide which one I wanted so I bought all three and gave the others to my mother and brother.
Real beeswax candles:
Told you I like moose...
My advent calendar! In 3-D! One of those where you open the windows you can see what they sell on the stalls etc. And the snowman will be finished. It's quite lovely.
Still not finished with the moose...
The candleholder at the right side displays our famous "Frauenkirche" in Dresden, which was left as a ruin for memorial of war and only got rebuilt during the past few years (reopened in 2006, even President Obama has visited there)
The candleholder at the left does also lighten up:
A sheep thrown in for good measure:
And another reindeer:
Of course, with all the moose we also need to have a cow:
And snowflakes on my window!
I decorated the TARDIS myself, the Dalek belongs to a set of tree ornaments from the BBC shop, my brother has the TARDIS.