I like the sound of my own voice.

Oct 12, 2010 11:55

Raise Your Hopeful Voice by bright_lights28

Pairing: Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Language. Sexytimes. Extreme domestic fluff.
Word Count: 18,085
Summary: After adopting a baby girl, Adam and Kris navigate the first six months of fatherhood in all of its struggles and all of its joys.

Has now been podficced by me. Cause I <3 my bright_lights28. Surprise! I sure hope she likes it.
nowheretogo26 made the art for this podfic. claire_kay made me do it.

Part 1 1 hr.
Part 2 1 hr.

Any mistakes are mine.

Also, I'm now using this to fill my kradingo prompt AU/CROSSOVERS: chef. Because I found one AU detail and they cook some food. Hey, I just podficced over 18,000 words. I can do what I want.

i spoke

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