Bubble Gum

Oct 19, 2008 21:32

Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Deans
Prompt: Bite
Notes: For 30_sweets.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: They're having a sound war.

14: Bite

He was being annoying. She was tired of it.

"Quit!" she snapped. "I don’t want to hear another sound out of that computer!"

"But I can’t turn it off without shutting the machine off!"

"I don’t care."

"You have the TV on loud enough to wake the dead," Frank complained.

"Bite me."

Frank grinned. "Okay. You taste like bubble gum," he purred. "Can I chew on you, too?"

She glared at him. "I can barely hear the TV, and no you cannot."

Frank relented and shut the thing off. He slipped up behind her and nibbled on her neck. She groaned.

"Hey," he murmured. "They’re about to have sex. Let’s go act that scene out."

She thought about hitting him, but changed her mind. Instead, she leaned closer to the television and ignored him until he sighed and gave up, wrapping his arms around her.

"I love you," he offered.

"Yeah, whatever," she replied. Then, "Hey, they just had sex. Want to go act that scene out?"


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