
Oct 19, 2008 19:03

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Hayeses
Prompt: Nature
Notes: For 12_stories
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Take Your Kid To Work Day featuring Gene and Molly.

10: Nature

"Daddy, I’m bored," Molly whined.

Gene checked off a name and filled out a paper. "Well, Molly, would you like to go play in the kids’ waiting room?"

"No. I wanna watch you fix someone."

He sighed. "Well, baby, you can’t come in with me and we don’t have anyone to fix right now. Is there anything you’d like to do while we wait?"


They were silent for a moment.

"Daddy, what’s a mutant?"

Gene felt a surge of complete and total panic. Did she know? What did she know? How did she know? Oh, shit!

"Uh… Why do you ask?"

"Cause someone said the boy who sits next to me is a mutant because he’s ugly, but I don’t think he is. What is it?"

Gene chewed on his upper lip.

"Well, a mutant is just like you and me, but they have a certain gene that can make them look different, or even give them special powers. It’s not that common, but the numbers are rising," Gene explained. "Why don’t you think the boy next to you is a mutant?"

"Because he’s nice."

"Sweetie, you know mutants can be nice too, right?"

"Yeah. Like Doop." She furrowed her brow. "Daddy, if I was a mutant, would you and Mommy still love me?"

Gene pulled her into a one-armed hug. "Baby, there’s not a thing in existence that could make your Mommy and me stop loving you."

She smiled. "Can I go play now?"

"I thought you didn’t want to play."

"Changed my mind."

Molly hopped off of her chair and ran off to play.


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