
Oct 17, 2008 23:33

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Deans
Prompt: Dreams
Notes: For 30_sweets.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: The Deans watch their daughter sleep.

07: Dreams

Frank and Leslie inched their daughter’s bedroom door open and peered in. Leslie still wasn’t sure what to do with a baby. Frank was still not sure he wanted a kid.

But there they stood. Parents.

Karolina was sound asleep. The monitor was silent.

They exchanged glances.

"Frank, I’m not ready for this," she said.

"Too late now," he replied.

"I know."

Karolina shifted, stretched, went right back to sleep.

"What do you think she dreams about?" Leslie asked quietly.

"The state of the universe, no doubt it involves sugar."

She smirked and elbowed Frank in the ribs. He chuckled and slipped an arm around her. They were very quiet for a very long time.

"Well, Mommy, here we are," Frank said finally.

"Yes, Daddy. Here we are."


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