
Oct 17, 2008 19:45

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Yorkeses
Prompt: Ambiguity
Notes: For the Lover100 challenge.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Dale's not so sure they couldn't refuse.

034: Ambiguity

"You know, they never said what they’d do, exactly, if we didn’t show up," Dale pointed out.

Stacey glared at him. "We’re easily replaced. That means we’ll die. Stupid."

Dale nodded. "Yes, it could. But what if it just meant they’d replace us?" He spread his hands. "Just send us on our way and, I don’t know, wipe our memories."

"It doesn’t."

"How do you know?"

"Evil giants never mean that."

Dale nodded. "That’s true. But if we’re not in this time, do you think they could reach us?"


He sighed and gave up. She was immovable when she made up her mind. And she’d made up her mind this time that the Gibborim would hunt them down and eat their heads, or something, if they didn’t go to the Rite of Blood.

He still felt uneasy, though.


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