Not So Innocent

Oct 17, 2008 19:33

Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Yorkeses
Prompt: Innocence
Notes: For the Lover100 challenge
Warnings: Sex toys and discussion thereof.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Stacey's roommate forgot to clean up.

030: Innocence

Stacey blushed. Shied away from the thing. Hid her face partially behind his arm.

"What is that?"

Dale’s eyes followed her finger. She was pointing at the floor. He thought for a moment and prepared his explanation. "It appears to be a rubber penis."

She gaped at him. "A what?"

"Rubber penis. Dildo. Y’know." Dale was distinctly uncomfortable discussing her roommate’s sex toys.

"Is it… Functional?" she mumbled.

"In all ways but one."

"Which one?"

"The one that gets you pregnant."

"Semen production?"

"That would be the one, yes."

She eyed the thing. Worried her lip. "Really?"

Dale hesitated. "Yes…"

"I want one."


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