Laugh Track

Oct 17, 2008 17:17

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Character: Yorkeses
Prompt: Laughter
Notes: For the Lover100 challenge
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: The television is laughing.

020: Laughter

Stacey froze on her way back to the living room. She wasn’t sure what she’d heard, but she did know she didn’t like it. She waited a moment. Heard it again.

A bunch of people were in her living room, laughing at her television set.

"Dale?" she called, poking her head in. "Is someone here?"


Dale was staring, stunned, at the set. It was off.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I have no idea," he replied. "I was fiddling with the dials and suddenly, a crowd of people were laughing. I don’t understand it!"

Stacey held his arm. "Can you… Can you fix it?"


"Maybe we should call the repairman," she suggested.

"But what if it’s supposed to be there?" he countered. "Can’t draw attention."

She bit her lip and stared at the set like it was possessed with seven heads. "Just… Just leave it off. We can ask someone tomorrow."

He pulled her to his chest. "This decade is weird. I think I preferred the sixties."


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